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pie chart

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Q: What type of spreadsheet chart would best display percentages?
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Why would a ateacher use a spreadsheet for?

a chart

What kind of graph would best show percentages?

A pie chart.

When would you use a pie chart or bar chart?

A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.

Which spreadsheet feature would you use to identify sections of a pie chart?

a column.

What graph would you use to show the percentages of boys and girls in your class?

A pie chart<------Apex <('-'<)

Do you believe Excel will still be good without the chart features?

For me any Spreadsheet software lacking graph and/or chart capability would be useless. If Microsoft ever chooses to remove these, switch to freeware Spreadsheet software (e.g. OpenOffice)

Which type of graph is best to show the percentage of gases in Earth's atmosphere?

A pie chart would be a suitable choice to display the percentage of gases in Earth's atmosphere. Each gas can be represented as a slice of the pie, making it easy to compare the proportions visually.

Which form of visual display would be best for describing the percentages of different gases in the atmosphere?

Cirle Graph.

How would a linked Excel Worksheet and Chart enhance a Word document?

The benefit of linking a chart from an Excel worksheet to a Word document is that the chart data will always be current. Excel is spreadsheet software from Microsoft.

What software should be used to create a gantt chart?

You can use a spreadsheet, but you usually would use project management software.

What graph would best display data showing the percentage of time a student spends studying for their final exam?

i would use a bar chart or a line chart

When would you use a chart rather than a table?

A chart is a graphical representation of your figures, like in a pie chart, a line chart or a column chart for example. A table consists of the figures in your spreadsheet, arranged in an orderly fashion, and from which you can make a chart. In a database, a table is usually lists of data, such as names or addresses. Word can also have tables to list out names and addresses, or to list out numbers like in a spreadsheet.