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Volume=Ï€ r^2h

r^2=radius sqared


(do not calculate "Ï€ " into your equation)

example: DIAMETER is 12 and the height is 15

(the diameter = the radius x2, so the radius is 6 because it is half of 12)

V=Ï€ r^2h

V=Ï€ (6)^2(15)


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13y ago
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15y ago

Volume of any conic solid=1/3bh

Area of circle=Pi*r^2

Since the base (b) of the conic solid is a circle is the area of

the circle, substitute the second equation into the first one:


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16y ago

The formula to find the circumference of a circle is Pi X D where D is Diameter and Pi is 3.1416.

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15y ago

Circles don't have volume, but they do have area.

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16y ago

pi x r2 x thickness, with r (radius) and thickness being in the same units of length

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15y ago

Vc = Pi*r2h/3 where Vc is the volume of the cone, Pi is approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288, r is the radius of the cone, and h is the height of the cone.

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13y ago


so pi times (radius squared)

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14y ago

volume = {pi} x radius2 x height

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13y ago

pie x Diameter

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