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Imagine a gravity well. The farther you move away from the center, the "flatter" space becomes. The "gravitational potential" to which your question refers is zero at infinty. If the universe consisted of only the earth and a marble an infinite distance away, its PE would be zero. If it were moving toward the earth, its KE would increase the closer it became, until it struck the planet. Energy conservation requires that, as the kinetic form increases, the potential form decreases. If Ep is decreasing from zero, then it must be negative. Be aware that this is a matter of convention--like electrons being negative and number lines like the "x-axis" increasing to the right. What's important is consistency within the system. In the case of potential energy, it is generally the change or difference in energy that matters, not an isolated value at an arbitrary point. Other conventions can work, but this has become the consensus: "-"GMm/r becomes greater as the masses move (via work) away from each other. This fits with the model, as potential energy is increasing towards zero. Confusion often comes from near the surface of earth problems. There we use U = mgy, and we use ground level as zero PE (your Ep) and increase potential energy to the plus side of zero as we move away from the center of the earth's gravity well. This works, so long as you do not move in the y-direction (orthodox: y increases as you go up) enough to cause the value of 'g' to vary--which is what happens over astronomical distances. When that happens, you need to switch BOTH formulas AND concepts of where Ep is zero, but NOT of in which direction it is increasing. Ep ALWAYS grows greater as you do work against gravity; i.e., move away from the center of the gravity well (often earth). Since students are usually first taught U = mgy, it becomes harder to grasp the "zero value" for potential energy being at the other end--away from the gravity well's center. This forces us to consider it to be growing ever more negative (getting smaller) as it nears the gravitational point source. It's convention because it works, and I hope it makes sense if it is explained as such. Final note, it would not matter if we were to add any constant to the potential, so we can actually set the potential at infinity to be any value (as opposed to the usual case of setting it to zero), that would make the potential U = -GMm/r + C, which is more complicated. So the simplest case is just to set the constant equal to zero. So why can't we set the potential at the origin (the bottom of the well) to zero instead? That would be nice since, if we set the bottom of the well to zero, then the potential would be positive which would "look" better. Most of the potentials discussed in elementary mechanics are positive, except for long ranged ones like gravity, which most likely is the reason why people don't appreciate gravity's potential very well. This is because the bottom of the well is infinitely deep and adding any finite constant can't lift it to zero.

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Q: Why is gravitational potential energy negative for the equation of Ep equal -GMm over r?
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The equation for gravitational potential energy is what?

EP = -mGM/r

What is equation potential?

Potential energy = mass x gravitational acceleration x height

Can the gravitational potential energy of a system be negative?

Yes, gravitational potential energy can be negative. This can occur when the reference point for measuring potential energy is set at a lower height than the system. This means that the system has less potential energy relative to the reference point, resulting in a negative value.

Can the gravitational potential energy of an object be negative?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of an object can be negative. This typically happens when the reference point for measuring potential energy is chosen to be at a higher level than the object's current position.

Does speed affect gravitational potential energy of an object?

No, speed does not directly affect the gravitational potential energy of an object. Gravitational potential energy depends on an object's mass, height above a reference point, and the acceleration due to gravity, but not its speed.

Can the gravitaional potential energy of an object be negative?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of an object can be negative. This occurs when the object is below a reference point, such as the ground level, leading to a negative displacement in the gravitational potential energy equation.

Why have to put minus sign before the formula of gravitational potential?

The negative sign in the formula for gravitational potential energy is used to signify that the potential energy is defined as zero at an infinite distance from the gravitational source. It allows for the interpretation that as objects move closer together, their potential energy decreases and is considered negative in relation to the reference point.

What is the equation for calculating an object's gravitational potential energy?

The equation to calculate an object's gravitation potential energy is: PE=MGH where: PE is gravitational potential energy M is the objects mass G is the acceleration due to the gravitational pull of the Earth on its surface ( 9.8 m/s2) H is the height from the location that would give it zero potentional energy (generally the ground)

Why is potential energy called gravitational potential energy?

Potential energy and gravitational potential energy are different from each other ."Potential energy is the ability of a body to do work." Anddue_to_its_height.%22">"Gravitational potential energy is the ability of a body to do work due to its height."Gravitational potential energy is a type of potential energy.

What is the gravitational potential energy equation?

Gravitational potential energy = Mass x gravity x heightTherefore, an object at ground level is 0 meters above the ground, thus having no potential energy.PE = mghm = massg = gravitational accelerationh = height

What is the gravitational potential at infinity?

With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.

Why gravitational potential is negative?

Gravitational potential is considered negative because work needs to be done to move an object from an infinite distance to a certain point in the gravitational field. As the object moves closer to a massive body, the potential energy decreases, resulting in a negative value to reflect the work done against the gravitational force.