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3 significant figures.

The rule is that the number of digits in your answer should not exceed the lowest number of digits of all the values used to derive the answer.

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Q: You're asked to find the area of a room that's 4.56 m long and 5.668 m wide How many significant figures should you show in your answer?
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What is 2.072 to two significant figures?

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14525 has 5 significant figures (s.f) significant figures help mathematicians to summarise their answer for example to give an approximation if 3 significant figures was required then the answer would be 14500 if you were asked to give 1.1235678 to 4 s.f. then the answer would 1.124 (rounding up the last digit). I hopes this help

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The sum of 12.16 and 324.3 is 336.5 when rounded to three significant figures.

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There doesn't always have to be two numbers after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest hundreth, then use two places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest thousandth, then use 3 places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest tenth, then use 1 place after the decimal. If you are not told where to round, then it is up to you. One common way of doing it is to use significant figures. In other words, if you are dividing two numbers to get a decimal; count the number of significant figures in the divisor and the dividend. Whichever one has the least number of significant figures, use that number of significant figures in your answer. For example: 30.5 / 1.3456789 30.5 has the least number of significant figures; so use 3 significant figures in your answer. Answer: 22.7 If you are working with money, then always use two numbers after the decimal. For example: Add $30.15 + $201.25 Answer: $231.40

You are asked to find the volume of a cube that is 2.5 cm high 2.65 cm wide and 3.456 cm long how many significant figures should you show in your answer?

Two, the number of significant digits in the least precisely stated datum, 2.5 cm.

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221.0988478 Without specific information relating to the format required of the answer then there are 10 significant figures in this number. If the question required the answer to three decimal places then the number would be presented as 221.099 which has 6 significant figures. If the question asked for the answer to the nearest hundred then the answer becomes 200.0 which is correct to 1 significant figure.

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Integers ending in 0 are an ambiguous case. I would say 2 significant figures, but if it appeared alongside a list of numbers such as 1710, 1690, 1750, then I would have to say 3 sig figs and if it was with 1705, 1696, 1729 then 4 sig figs.

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If you are looking at this from a maths perspective, the 'significant figures' are the number of digits counting from the first non-zero digit, so the number of significant figures in 10.0 is three. You may be asked a question, and told to give the answer 'to three significant figures'. This would mean the answer would look something like '12.2' or '0.0254'. This is in contrast to decimal places, which refer to the number of digits after the decimal point. For example, the number 10.0 is quoted to one decimal place.

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