£180 prize money needs to be split 3 ways, into 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, in the ratio of 5:3:1. how much does 1st, 2nd & 3rd place get?? 1) 5+3+1= 9 2) £180/9= £20 3) 1st = 5 x £20 = £100 (1st place gets £100) 4) 2nd = 3 x £20 = £60 (2nd place gets £60) 5) 3rd = 1 x £20 = £20 (3rd place gets £20) you can check by adding up your totals and they should match the total prize money.
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If the magnesium is not polished, there may be impurities or oxides on the surface that could affect the reported mole ratio of oxygen to magnesium. This could result in a higher reported mole ratio due to the presence of excess oxygen-containing compounds on the surface, leading to an inaccurate measurement of the actual ratio of oxygen to magnesium.
No.Natural numbers by definition are whole: integers. However, if the numerator cannot be divided evenly by the denominator, or even if the numerator is less than the denominator, then it is impossible for such a ratio to result in an integer. Such ratios cannot simplify into natural numbers. (Note: This assumes that 0 is not a natural number--there is a disagreement over its membership. If 0 is considered a natural number, than any ratio with a 0 in the numerator but anything else in the denominator results in 0. A ratio with a nonzero numerator and a zero denominator is undefined. A 0/0 ratio is considered an indeterminate form and goes into calculus).
No, the ratio of two natural numbers can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the numbers being divided.
This can be solved using something called 'The Golden Ratio', when the longer segment is compared to the whole is about 1.618033988... The Golden Ratio is the ONLY ratio capable of this.
Yes,decimal are related to ratios in mathematics. When a ratio is solved or two numbers are not divisible by each other then the result of the division of the ratio is decimal number only.
Of the crimes committed last year, 68,151 were solved, bringing the solution efficiency to 88.79%, down from the prior year's 90%. A solved case "is one which the principal suspect(s) has been identified and properly charged in court or before the prosecutor's office."
The Golden Ratio denoted by the Greek letter phi, usually lower case (φ) states that the division of a line segment into two creates a ratio of the shorter part to the longer equal to that of the longer to the whole. This can be solved, using algebra, to give φ = (1 + √5)/2= 1.61803 approx.
Jacobian Ratio The Jacobian calculation is done at the integration points of elements commonly known as Gauss Point. At each intergration point, Jacobian Determinant is calculated, and the Jacobian ratio is found by the ratio of the maximum and minimum determinant value. The Jacobian Determinant of 2D elements is calculated after it has been projected on to a plane, and the determinant of 3D elements is found by direct calculation. If the quadrilateral element is not convex, the negative Jacobian ratio will be obtained, and elements with the negative Jacobian Ratio can not be solved with correct result.
i have no idea but you guys could possibly use this formula SNR=10log and in the base 10 or SNR=avg signal/avg noise
it is solved
Solved is the past tense of solve.
The present perfect forms are have solved and has solved.Examples:They have solved the equation. (plural subject)He has solved the equation. (singular subject)
ignouhome@gmail.com Buy solved assignments.
they never solved it
A word for "which cannot be solved" is unsolvable.