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Likert Scale How do you feel about Hot Dogs?

1 2 3 4 5 Love them Like them They're OK Dislike Them Hate Them

Semantic Differential

How do you feel about Hot dogs? 1 2 3 4 5 Love them Hate Them

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10mo ago

A semantic differential scale measures the meaning of concepts or objects along a continuum, while a Likert scale measures attitudes or opinions by asking respondents to indicate their level of agreement with a series of statements. Semantic differential scales often use polar opposite adjectives to rate objects, while Likert scales typically use a range of responses (e.g., strongly agree to strongly disagree).

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What is the name for the type of technique used for measuring attitudes?

Scaling is a technique used for measuring qualitative responses of respondents attitudes. Two types of scaling include direct measurement (Likert scale and semantic differential), and indirect measurement (projective techniques).

What scales the Marketing researchers often use to measure subjective feeligs?

Commonly used scales in marketing research to measure subjective feelings include Likert scales, semantic differential scales, and visual analogue scales. These scales allow researchers to quantify attitudes, perceptions, and emotions of consumers towards products or brands.

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When was Rensis Likert born?

Rensis Likert was born on 1903-08-05.

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Rensis Likert died on 1981-09-03.

What level of measurement is likert scale?

It depends on the specific likert scale, but generally it is the ordinal level

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Can a 3-point scale also be called a Likert scale?? PS

Reporting likert scale results?

Many researchers believe you should only report the results for individual likert items using the proportion of responses for each scale point. For example, 17% strongly agreed, 32% agreed, 10% neither agreed or disagreed and so on. The reason they say this is that likert data is not "equal interval" - the difference between strongly agree and agree is not the same as the difference between neutral and agree, for example. The data is said to be ordinal, not metric. However, this is actually not so much of an issue. Several research studies show have calculated the numerical difference between Likert-type scale points and showed they are very, very close to "equal interval". References for this are given in this paper: Dawes, John. "Do Data Characteristics Change According to the Number of Scale Points Used - an Experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales", International Journal of Market Research Vol 50, no 1, 2008. In fact the data used for this experiment is available on the web, go to and click on "free data".

What is the Best way to answer the Likert Scale?

The Likert type question is used to determine the respondent attitude or feeling on a particular specific item. There are numerous ways to set up the answer types on the Likert scale; see the related links.

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As likert scale are ordinal data can I obtain mean and SD from them?

If you are considering a single ordinal variable, determining the mode or median would be meaningful, but the mean or SD would not. Many researchers do consider likert-scale data to possess only ordinal qualities. However, leading research studies, for example in the marketing area, obtain measures such as means and standard deviations from likert-scale data. Indeed leading textbooks also follow this approach. One concern has been that the 'distances' between points on a likert scale are not equal, for example the 'distance' or 'difference' between a strongly disagree and disagree is not the same as the difference between disagree and neutral. A recent study discusses these issues, as well as demonstrating that data obtained from 5-point, 7-point and 10-point likert scales are approximately comparable in terms of mean score (once re-scaled) and various measures of variation and data shape. The study reference is Dawes, John "Do Data Characteristics Change According to the Number of Scale Points Used ? An Experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point Scales" International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50 2008.

How do you convert a 10 point likert to a 7 point Likert?

The correct formula is: 1.5 x (N-1) +1 where N is the score on a 7 point scale.