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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

When a sphere is cut into cross sections, the shape formed is a circle. This is because all cross sections of a sphere will be circular in shape, regardless of the angle or position of the cut.

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Q: When a sphere is cut into cross sections what is the shaped formed?
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What features are formed by ice erosion?

Ice erosion can create features such as cirques (bowl-shaped hollows on mountainsides), arΓͺtes (sharp ridges between two cirques), and horns (sharp peaks formed by glaciers eroding multiple sides). These features are commonly found in glaciated mountainous areas.

Advantages of cross-sectional research design?

Cross-sectional research design allows for data collection at a single point in time, providing a snapshot of a population's characteristics. It is relatively quick and cost-effective compared to longitudinal studies. It can identify correlations between variables and is useful for generating hypotheses for further investigation.

What is cross-cultural?

Cross-cultural refers to interactions or comparisons between different cultures, often highlighting similarities and differences in beliefs, behaviors, and values. It involves recognizing and respecting diversity while promoting understanding and communication across various cultural backgrounds.

Which is most convincing evoluationary or learning theory of attachment?

The evolutionary theory of attachment suggests that attachment behaviors have evolved as a survival mechanism to ensure infants receive care and protection. This theory is supported by cross-cultural studies and studies on non-human animals. On the other hand, the learning theory of attachment focuses on how attachments are formed through reinforcement and conditioning processes. While both theories provide valuable insights into attachment, the evolutionary theory is often considered more convincing due to its emphasis on biological and evolutionary reasons for attachment.

What is the vertical cross section of a cylinder?

The vertical cross section of a cylinder is a rectangle. It is created by slicing the cylinder along a plane parallel to its base. The resulting shape will have the same height as the cylinder but a width equal to the diameter of the base.

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What shape has any cross- sections are circles?

any cross section of a sphere is a circle.

What solid figure is a set of your parallel cross sections are circles that are similar but not congruent?

A sphere is.

When a sphere is cut in cross section the shape formed by the cut is?

A circle.

Is a circle 3-dimensional?

No. A circle is 2-dimensional. A sphere, however, is a 3-dimensional object with circular cross-sections.

Describe the cross-sections that are formed when a cylinder is intersected by a plane?

In Geometry, cross-section is the shape made when a solid is cut through by a plane. The cross section of a circular cylinder is a circle. * * * * * There are also cross-sections that are ellipses or rectangles.

Which is a glacier feature caused by erosion?

A cirque is a glacier feature that is shaped by erosion. It is a bowl-shaped hollow at the head of a glacier that forms from the glacier's erosive action on the surrounding rock.

What is the outline of a cross section of earth called?

A circle. (or approximately a circle if you look closely the mountains and valleys that the cross section cuts through disturb the circle). a mathematical sphere will give a mathematical circle at all cross sections.

What degree in cross section of a sphere?

Every cross-section of a sphere is a circle.

What are the vertical and horizontal cross sections of a rectangular pyramid?

The vertical cross sections are trapezia or triangles. The horizontal cross sections are rectangles which are mathematically similar to the base.

What is the outline of a cross section of earth?

Any way you slice the earth, you get a chunk whose outline is a circle. (or approximately a circle if you look closely the mountains and valleys that the cross section cuts through disturb the circle). a mathematical sphere will give a mathematical circle at all cross sections.

The cross-shaped floor plan of a church is formed by the combined shapes of the nave and the?

It is called the cruciform. It is the combined shapes of the nave and transepts.

Can you show me the cross sections of manufactured boards?

We need some pictues of the cross sections of manufactured boards. Thank you.