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Q: How many different cross section shapes can be formed by cutting cross sections of a sphere?
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A cross section is formed.

What are the Choreographic structures in dance?

Choreographic structure is the building of dance phrases into longer sequences and formed into sections. These can then be used in different orders for example: section A followed by section B, followed by section A or in 'Rondo' keeping one section as a theme throughout the piece interspersed with different sections for example: ABACADA

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A thrust diagram is a diagram show the different bisected sections of a trust.

Describe the cross-sections that are formed when a cylinder is intersected by a plane?

In Geometry, cross-section is the shape made when a solid is cut through by a plane. The cross section of a circular cylinder is a circle. * * * * * There are also cross-sections that are ellipses or rectangles.

What is the meaning of circular section?

A circular section refers to a part or segment of a larger circular object or shape. It typically describes a section that is formed by cutting or dividing the circular object along a specific path or line. The circular section retains the characteristics and properties of the original circular shape.

When a sphere is cut into cross sections what is the shaped formed?

When a sphere is cut into cross sections, the shape formed is a circle. This is because all cross sections of a sphere will be circular in shape, regardless of the angle or position of the cut.

What cause it to break up after it formed?

The only logical cause of the breakup of the supercontinent is the flood mentioned in The Bible. Noah's flood broke the supercontinent into different sections.

What caused it to break up after it formed?

The only logical cause of the breakup of the supercontinent is the flood mentioned in The Bible. Noah's flood broke the supercontinent into different sections.

What are the four kinds of parabolas?

Conic Sections are figures that can be formed by slicing a three dimensional right circular cone with a plane. There are different ways to do this, and each way yields a different figure. These figures can be represented on the graph as well as algebraically. The four conic sections are circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.

How are the facets in diamonds formed?

Facets are formed by cutting and polishing, both manual tasks.

What is the past present present continuous past continuous of cut?

The past of cut is cutThe past participle of cut is cutThe present participle of cut is cutting.The present continuous is formed with -- am/is/are + present participleSo for cutting present continuous is -- am cutting, is cutting, are cuttingThe past continuous is formed with -- was/were + present participleSo for cutting past continuous is -- was cutting, were cutting

Which cross section best represents the valley shape where a rapidly flowing stream is cutting into the bedrock in mountains area?

A V-shaped cross-section would best represent the valley shape where a rapidly flowing stream is cutting into the bedrock in a mountainous area. The steep sides of the V-shape are characteristic of valleys formed by erosion from fast-flowing streams in mountainous terrain.