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There is no concept of 'most tested students'. This is a misnomer.

Yes, all over the world, the student community is tested on their learning and experieinces. Some topics may need direct testing and some indirect testing. The two types of evaluation- formative and summative come into the picture here.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Students preparing for exams like the Gaokao in China and the SATs in the United States are among the most tested in the world. These exams play a significant role in determining students' academic and career prospects, leading to intense preparation and pressure.

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What country has most school hours?

South Korea typically has one of the highest number of school hours in the world, with students spending around 220 days per year in school.

What approach to curriculum do most educators adopt and why?

Most educators adopt a student-centered approach to curriculum, which focuses on the individual needs, interests, and abilities of students. This approach values personalized learning experiences that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning. It is believed to better engage students in the learning process and prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.

What are the implications of pragmatism in teaching?

Pragmatism in teaching emphasizes the importance of practical experience and problem-solving skills. Teachers focus on helping students develop critical thinking and real-world application of knowledge. This approach encourages active learning and prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world.

Why should teachers be allowed to hit their students students?

Corporal punishment was used as a disciplinary method is most schools for many years. It has largely been made illegal in most western countries today.

Why do teachers talk too much?

They need to communicate to their students. Speaking is one of the most effective means, particularly if the students cannot read yet. Teaching in most schools is generally a top-down format. Teachers present material (as instructed by the course of study). This ensures that the required topics are covered and the students have a number of "facts" to be tested against. The alternate method of sitting around waiting for the students to ask questions that will address topics in the course of study is not an efficient use of available time and does not ensure all topics will be covered.

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There can be no answer.4 students out of 17 is 24% and 5 students out of 17 is 29%. So 26% represents a number of students between 4 and 5. But you cannot have fractional students. Furthermore, whether it is 4 or 5, 85% is again a fractional number. Clearly, the numbers in the question are seriously flawed.

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