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The relationship between kVA and W varies according to the nature of the load.

The volt ampere is the unit of measurement for the apparent power of a load, obtained by multiplying the voltage across that load by the current through it.

The watt is the unit of measurement for the true power of a load. This is a measure of the rate at which energy is dissipated by the resistive component of the load, and is obtained by multiplying the voltage across that load, by the current through it, and by its power factor. Power factor is the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage across the load and the current through it.

So, for a purely resistive load, where the voltage and current are in phase, the apparent power and the true power are the same, so 1 VA = 1 W (or, in terms of the actual question, 1 kVA = 1 kW). For a purely reactive circuit, where the current leads or lags the voltage by 90o, 1 VA = 0 W.

Actually, there is no such thing as a purely reactive circuit, so a situation where there is 1 VA but 0 W is only theoretical.

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10y ago

1 Watt = Voltage * Ampere * Power factor

The Power factor normally is about 0.9 in our homes

So, 1kva=1000*0.9= 900 Watts.

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