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Any such attempt with a meter would just destroy the meter. Why not just find out which breaker/fuse controls the circuit and see what the breaker/fuse is rated at. Also find out what the wire size is. For a 20 AMP circuit you MUST have 12 gauge wire. There are other requirements but those two seem to be about the most significant. As has been stated, a meter won't help. The breaker prevents excessive load to be placed on the wiring so any 20 amp circuit would be limited by the breaker and there would be no other way to determine if a circuit is 15 Amp or 20 Amp other than to check at the breaker panel. Also, if someone just put a 20 amp breaker on a 14 gauge wire you have a serious fire hazard. As the above post suggests, have a professional check this out for you, it's too dangerous to make assumptions. <><><> Your description of "20A dedicated line" makes me think that you are needing a circuit for a heavy power-using-device that needs it own circuit (without any other receptacles or devices). If that is the case, then a meter can be used (with difficulty) to determine if any other outlets are connected to the same circuit. First turn off the power on the receptacle. Then check to see if any other receptacles are also dead. If so, they are probably on the same circuit and your receptacle is not a dedicated supply. <><><> Another method is to use a circuit tracer (available at Lowe's and other hardware and electrical supply stores). Plug the transmitter into the questionable receptacle, then use the receiver to check other receptacles to see if they are on the same circuit. Receptacles on the same circuit will cause a continuous fast beep (or other signal depending on model). You can also trace the circuit to the circuit breaker panel to find which breaker it is connected. It should be a 20-Ampere-trip breaker to make full use of a dedicated 20 A receptacle. <><><> Borrow an amp clamp and find the breaker in question. Clamp it around the neutral for that circuit (This takes a friend helping). Plug in a significant load like a hair dryer and have the friend turn in on and off while you watch the meter. It should read zero, then 8-10 amps then zero, etc. Plug loads in outlets that you think the contractor absconded the circuit from. The amps from those outlets should never show up on the amp clamp. Make sure the wire is 12 awg. A 12 awg wire will not push in the stabs of a 15 amp receptacle. SAFETY ADVICE

Before you do any work yourself,

on household electricity supplies, equipment or appliances,

always turn off the power

at the breaker box/fuse panel BEFORE you attempt to do any work AND

always use an electrician's test meter having metal-tipped probes

(not a simple proximity voltage indicator)

to ensure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY SURE YOU CAN DO THIS JOB



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Q: How can you confirm at the outlet with a meter if it truly is a 20A dedicated line and has not just had the outlet changed from 15A?
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Where is it possible to buy an EMF meter?

EMF meters can be purchased online at dedicated sites such as 'LessEMF', 'Home Depot' and 'EMF Center'. Alternatively, you could try your luck with finding one on eBay or Amazon.

What does a 35 amp time delay fuse look like when it blows?

If you can observe the fusible link it should be open and there should be some charring on the glass. Use an Ohm meter to confirm fuse is blown. If it is zero ohms across the fuse it is not blown.

How do you know which cable is positive and which is negative in a charger adaptor?

The best way is doing a continuity test with a multi-meter. On most meters the sign is the Greek letter omega,,, set meter to continuity and touch both probes together, set meter so you get a sound when they are touched together. Now place one probe on the plug end and one on the service end, this will tell you which hole,, or inner or outer sleeve is neg. On the outlet plug end 120v the larger of the two is neg.

Why is the outlet 86 volts instead of 120 in your outlet?

There may be an "open neutral" somewhere either in your breaker panel or in the meter base. Contact a qualified electrician to help solve the problem. An open neutral causes one leg of the electrical service to be "low" voltage, while the other leg goes "high". That can result in premature failure of electrical components, such as light bulbs, electronic devices and electric motors.

What voltages should never be measured directly with a VOM?

A VOM 'Voltage Meter' measures from a electrical outlet. Any voltage over a 1000 should never be measured directly with it.

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How do you test to see if you have a dedicated electrical outlet?

Put the meter on AC Volts, 200V range. For residential US service you should have 120V between hot and neutral, 120V between hot and ground, and 0V between neutral and ground. Remember: narrow prong is hot, wide prong is neutral, round prong is ground. Don't set your meter to current or you will zap it. Reisitance shouldn't damage it, but the reading will be worthless. (If you don't know what you are testing for or how to use your tool, should you really be sticking things in a wall outlet?)

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20mm per meter meter falling away from the outlet

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Sprint.100 meter sprint is dedicated from greek sports.

If you measure the current coming from a wall outlet in your house will it give the same reading the meter uses to compute your home energy use?

No. Current does not come from a wall outlet unless the wall outlet is part of a complete circuit.

Is your shut off upstream or downstream from your water meter?

Could be either or both. There is usually a cutoff between the meter and the main line, though it is usually located outside. And there is usually one near the outlet of the meter.

What would the current be if you connected the meter to the wall outlet from the hot to the neutral using ohms law the meter to actually perform the test?

Your question is very confusing. When you say, 'meter', what type of meter? The only safe meter you can connect to a wall outlet is a voltmeter which will measure the actual voltage across the line and neutral (as opposed to the 'nominal' value). Then you bring in the subject of 'Ohm's Law' without explaining what you are trying to find. You need to rephrase the question so that it is clear what you are asking.

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Yes, reversing the inlet and outlet connections of a venturi meter will result in flow measurement errors. The design of the venturi meter relies on the inlet and outlet connections being in a specific orientation to accurately measure fluid flow rates. Reversing the connections disrupts the flow dynamics and can lead to inaccurate readings.

Why would an outlet suddenly only be giving 40V?

More information is required, is it just one outlet / building? If it is then the most likely explanation would be an incorrectly functioning meter /meter set to the wrong scale or function. If all outlets are only giving 40 volts contact your electricity company.

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There are 1,000 millimeters in 1 meter.

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You can't change a length into an area.

How does a hospital patient receive oxygen?

In the hospital, oxygen is supplied to each patient room via an outlet in the wall. Oxygen is delivered from a central source through a pipeline in the facility. A flow meter attached to the wall outlet accesses the oxygen.

Do you get charged for having a socket outlet switched on?

In order to be billed for electricity, you have to have a flow of current. your electric meter is not unlike your water meter in this regard, it measures flow rate through it. An outlet that is not plugged in to anything that is on, or an empty socket that normally holds a bulb will not pass current. That means they are technically off. All a switch does is open an electrical circuit. To close a socket circuit you need a bulb. To close an outlet circuit, you need an appliance that is on (another switch may be involved).