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Wattage is unit of power which is the product of Voltage in V and Current in Amps. If you know the current drawn by the appliance with 1200 Watts then you can calculate the Voltage = Power/ Current. For eg. if the current drawn by the appliance is 100A then the voltage is 1200/100 i.e. 12 Volts.

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120 watts has zero volts. The formula for volts when wattage is shown is E = W/I = Watts/Amperage = Volts. As you can see if the amperage is not stated, the question can not be answered.

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Q: How many volts in 1200 watts?
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1200 watts is equal to how many amps?

To calculate amps, you need to know the voltage of the circuit. The formula to convert watts to amps is Amps = Watts / Volts. If the voltage is 120V, then 1200 watts would be equal to 10 amps (1200 watts / 120 volts = 10 amps).

How many volts does a 12 volt 100 amp alternator produce?

This will still only produce 12 volts. It will produce 1200 watts. watts is the result of Volts times Amps.

How many watt in amp?

Watts cannot be directly converted to amps because the two units measure different quantities. Watts are a measure of power, while amps are a measure of electrical current. The relationship between watts, amps, and voltage is given by the formula: Watts = Amps x Volts.

What is 1.2kva equivalent to watts?

1.2 kVA is equivalent to 1200 watts. This conversion is based on the formula: Watts = Volts x Amps x Power Factor.

Is there 1200 watts in 12 volts?

If the 12V source can deliver 100 Ampere, then yes. If it can't, then no. (remember watts / volts = amps)

If a heater takes 1200 watts at 120 VOLTS what would the amperage be?

I don’t know

How many amp equals 1200 watts?

Watts = Amps x Volts x Power Factor Maximum value of PF is 1 for a resistive load. If you have 120 volts and a PF = 1, then amps = 10.

What can you run on ten amps?

At 120 volts you can operate any equipment up to 1200 watts. At 240 volts you can operate any equipment up to 2400 watts.

How many volts are there in 1367 watts?

volts times amps = watts

How many watts does 100 amps at 120 v?

To calculate the watts, you can use the formula: Watts = Amps x Volts. In this case, 100 amps x 120 volts equals 12,000 watts.

How many watts in 115 volts?

Watts and Volts are two distinct types of measurement.

How many amperes in a watt and how many watts in a volt?

Amps, volts and watts are interrelated, but you need to do a little math. Amps * Volts = Watts