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For all practical purposes, we are still limited by wireswhen we need to move electrical energy.

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Q: What is used to move electrical energy from one place to another?
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What do you understand to be load?

Amove-able object

Describe how electrical devices use electrical energy?

in an AC appliance (something with a plug, connected to a socket, connected to the national grid) the electrical energy is transmitted from the power station to your house/home.take the example of a light bulb,SCIENCE EXPLANATION the electrons in the wire are free and can move about they circulate round the completed circuit carrying energy and offloading it to where there is an absence of it. The light bulb takes the energy from the electrons and releases the energy again as Thermal and Visual energy into the atmosphere and the electrons continue around the circuit where they can pick up energy again.SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION when the switch is on the energy flows round and gives energy to the light bulb making it work.if you have a question of what i just said send me a message on my profilehope this answers your question

What is a braking resistor?

A braking resistor is used in motion systems where a motor in controlled by a drive. Typically, these are high-speed servomotors controlled by a servodrive. When accelerating, electrical energy is converted to a mechanical force to move a mass. When decelerating, that kinetic energy is converted (via the motor) back into electrical energy, and must go somewhere. To brake quick enough, the energy must be dumped into a power resistor, to be dissipated as heat. Read more at the link provided below.

How does a capacitor store energy?

The energy stored in a capacitor is almost entirely in the electric field produced between the plates. It takes energy from a battery or some other power source to move electrons to one of the plates and away from the other. This makes one plate positively charged and the other negatively charged. Electric field is produced in proportion to the charge per unit area on a plate, and this electric field is said to originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges. Energy stored in electric fields is proportional to the square of the electric field strength and the volume of the field. The energy is transferred from the power source to the electric field through the rearrangement of electrical charges.

How do dams help produce hydroelectric energy?

Dams produce electrical energy by utilizing the energy in the water stored in an elevated lake. Outlets in the dam allow water to escape down a pipe, trading potential energy for kinetic energy, ie, as it falls it moves faster. At the bottom of the dam, the fast moving stream of water enters a turbine where the it hits the blades of the turbine and makes it spin rapidly. The spinning turbine is connected to a generator, a rotating machine with magnets that converts the energy of rotation into electrical energy, usually AC. The AC voltage is run into a transformer to convert it to high voltage (higher voltage is better for long distances) and sent on towers to where it is needed.

Related questions

What equipment is needed for wind energy?

You need wind mills and electrical cords to move the energy from place to place.

What two components are necessary to make energy?

You cannot make energy. You can only transform it from one form to another (eg convert electrical energy into heat) or move it from one place to another (eg carry a charged battery).

Does energy move from one place to another?

Yes, energy can move from one place to another through various forms such as heat, light, or electricity. This movement allows energy to be transferred and utilized in different systems and processes.

What do you need to move one place to another?


Why electrical energy is more useful than many other forms of energy?

It's easy to ship electrical energy from place to place, move it from where it's generated to where it's needed, deliver it directly into homes, etc.

What energy takes place in electric cell?

Chemical energy is the form of energy that takes place in an electric cell. This energy is converted into electrical energy when the chemicals within the cell undergo chemical reactions, causing electrons to move from one terminal to another, thus generating an electric current.

Where do animals that eat carnivores get their energy?

Animals acquire energy because they have to move from one place to another in search of food .As in plants they are stationary and they don't have to move from one place to another.

What is energy that can move from one place to another because of differences in temperature?

Heat energy.

Move thermal energy from one place and release it in another place?

heat movers

What do you need to move an object from one place to another?

A force (energy)

What energy transformation takes place to make a motor mouse move?

The electrical energy from the battery is converted into mechanical energy by the motor inside the motor mouse. This mechanical energy allows the motor mouse to move and perform its functions.

Can electrons produce energy?

Electrons can carry energy, such as kinetic energy or electrical energy, as they move within an electrical circuit or in an atomic structure. However, electrons themselves do not produce energy; rather, they can transfer energy from one system to another.