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steel and plastic conduits

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Q: What kind of conduit can be incasted in concrete?
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Is it legal to support a conduit from another conduit of the same size?

No, the conduit has to be supported individually from a supportive structure. The spacing of the strapping is related to the size of the conduit.

What is the different between steel conduit over plastic conduit?

Steel conduit weighs more, provides more protection, and costs more than plastic conduit. Plastic conduit weighs less, is easier to work with, and costs less than steel conduit.

When is it permissible to wire tie a wire to a conduit?

What kind of wire? If it's a power wire, why is the place wired with conduit? Commercial buildings must put all power wiring in conduit, so if you're planning to run romex in a commercial building, the answer would be "no", it's not permissible. If it's data wire, note that there may be some "crossover" interference if the data wire follows a power wire for very much distance. It's usually not a problem to cross a conduit and tie to it, but it's generally recommended that you not tie data cable to conduit.

What do conduit connectors do?

A conduit connecter is a connecting piece used to connect two individual conduit units together. Conduit connecters can refer to both electrical conduits and pipe/plumbing related conduits.

What are the main principles concerning conduit bodies?

Conduit bodies are used to provide pulling access in a run of conduit, to conserve space where a full size bend radius would be impractical, to allow more bends to be made in a section of conduit or to split a conduit path into multiple directions.

Related questions

How would you ensure that underground services pipes cables etc will not be damaged by planting or root growth?

The best way would be to use rigid PVC conduit for electrical installations. Glue the joints well so that no water can penetrate. As an additional protection the conduit can be embedded in concrete. If this route is chosen, have at least three inches of concrete surround the conduit. Using cinder building blocks on their side and feeding the conduit through them will stop the conduit from floating to the surface when the concrete is poured. Using a form along side the cinder block's ends will save on concrete. The forms can be stripped when the concrete sets up or can be left in place and just buried.

What reaming method is there available to remove concrete inside a 2 PVC conduit?

It may be easier to simply cut out the section of conduit and replace it.

Do you have to encase rigid and PVC conduit in concrete that has high voltage wires from a transformer?

If you are talking about the primary wires to the transformer then yes they have to be encased in concrete.

What is the concrete noun for kind?

The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun. There is no form for kind that is a concrete noun.

What kind of bend would you use when offsetting conduit around an Beam?

offset bends.

What kind of bend would you used when offsetting conduit around an i beam?

offset bends.

What kind of houses do they have in iceland?

Normal houses of bricks, concrete, wood etc.

Which conduit is best - PVC or MS conduit?

For underground conduit runs, PVC is by far the better of the two conduit systems.

When concrete is poured around steel bars what kind of a material does it form?

reenforced concrete

What kind of concrete to use for crafts?

I took an art course using concrete and it was normal everyday concrete. We were making stepping stones.

What kind of flooring is best for a basement?


When did The Conduit happen?

The Conduit happened in 2009.