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Q: What size wire for 480VAC 75amps less than 10 feet?
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What size aluminum wire needed for 30 amp at 240 volt for 500 feet underground?

A 1/0 aluminum conductor will limit the voltage drop to 3% or less when supplying 30 amps for 500 feet on a 240 volt system.

What size conductor is needed to carry 25 amps 120 volt AC over 400 feet?

A #4 copper conductor will limit the voltage drop to 3% or less when supplying 25 amps for 400 feet on a 120 volt system.

What size wire IS needED FPR A 30 AMP OUTLET BOX?

It depends upon the length of the circuit, but for 50 feet or less a 10 gauge wire should be fine. A short length (15 feet), you could use 12 gauge. If you double the length to 100 feet, you should use 8 gauge. A rule of thumb is to drop down a gauge for every length that is doubled. There are wire size charts available on the internet. Some can be conservative such as recommending #8 for 50 ft or less at 30 amps. It is better to be conservative than to run too much amperage on a smaller wire that can cause a fire. As a general rule, 12ga wire can be used in house circuits for 20amps or less. 16ga wire can be used for 15 amps or less such as lighting circuits. That is considering lengths of less than 100 feet.

What re size for a 220 volt 100 amp panel distance d 100 feet?

A #1 copper or 1/0 aluminium conductor will limit the voltage drop to 3% or less when supplying 100 amps for 100 feet on a 240 volt a single phase system.

220 volts 1 phase 30 amps 120 feet what size wire?

A #8 AWG copper conductor with an insulation factor of 90 degrees C will limit the voltage drop to 2.26% or less when supplying 30 amps for 120 feet on a 220 volt system.

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