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It depends on what 277 volt device you are trying to connect.

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Q: What wire do I connect the 277 VAC wire to?
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Can you connect 2 wire to 3 wire house has black white red and ground Appliance has black white and ground?

Yes, you can connect the black wire from the appliance to the black wire in the house, the white wire from the appliance to the white wire in the house, and connect the ground wire from the appliance to the ground wire in the house. The red wire in the house can be capped off safely as it is not needed for this appliance.

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Should be about 120 VAC.

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That is all that is needed to wire the fixture. The 277 volts is the line to neutral of a 480 volt three phase system. Any one of L1, L2 or L3 to the neutral will give you the 277 volts that you need to connect the fixture so that it will operate.

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To wire a 220 VAC 4-wire cable into a breaker box, connect the black and red wires to the circuit breaker terminals for the hot wires, the white wire to the neutral bus bar, and the green or bare wire to the ground bus bar. Ensure the breaker is turned off before making any connections and follow local electrical codes and safety precautions. If you are unsure about the wiring, consult a licensed electrician for assistance.

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Use a small light bulb, such as 25-50 watt. Connect 120 VAC power to the big L1 terminal. Connect the big T1 terminal to the light bulb. Connect the neutral to the light bulb. The light bulb will be OFF. Connect another 120 VAC wire to the control input terminal #3. Connect another neutral to the control input terminal #4. The light bulb will now be ON. See the drawing at the bottom of:

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What does 277 vac mean?

That's 277 volts of alternating current. This is typically one phase of a 480v 3 phase system. Don't worry that 3 x 277 adds up to more than 480v. A 277v line is typically one phase of a 480v 3 phase system.

How do you wire a sub in a Saturn sc?

Connect the sub woofer to the equalizer or amplifier. The positive wire will need to be connected to a power source. Connect the ground wire. Connect the auxiliary wire to the amplifier.

What color wire do you connect to the dimmer wire from radio?

Don't connect the red wire or you will die.

How do you wire a 3 wire exhaust fan to a 4 wire outlet?

The fan is probably a 115 VAC single phase fan and the outlet is probably a 230 VAC "two phase" outlet. The fan would then have the following wires: hot (black), neutral (white), and ground (green). The outlet would then have the following wires: hot #1 (black), hot #2 (red), neutral (white), and ground (green). Pick either of the two hot wires on the outlet and connect the hot wire of the fan to that (ignore the other hot wire on the outlet) and connect the neutral to neutral and ground to ground. If the wire colors are not as I described above you may have something else (e.g. 3-phase) and that would be wired differently, but those systems are usually used only in industrial settings not the home.