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/*to find the area of a circle*/

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main()


int r;

float a;

print f ("Enter r value \n");

scan f ("%d", &r);


print f("area=%f",a);


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15y ago
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8y ago


typedef struct rect_t {

int width;

int height;

} rect;

int area (rect* r) {

if (r==NULL) return 0;

return r->width * r->height;


int main (void) {

rect r;

int a;

r.width = 10;

r.height = 5;

a = area (&r);

assert (a==50);

return 0;


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12y ago

double areaofcircle (double radius) return 2. * 3.141592653589793 * radius;

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14y ago

double a,b,c,s,area;

double *parea = &area;


*parea = sqrt (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))

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Q: C program to calculate area of circle?
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Write a program to calculate the area of a circle?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; void main() { int r=10; float pi=3.14,c; c=pi*r*r; printf("Area of the circle=%f",c); getch(); }

C program on how to calculate circumference of a circle?

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By using that one thing.

Write a c program to find the area and perimeter of circle?

Learn c programming and geometry. It will be easy when you know both.

How do you calculate the area from the circumference?

The area of a circle (A) is pi x r x r.The circumference of a circle (C) is pi x d, or pi x 2r.So if you know C, you can calculate r using the formula C = pi x 2r or r = C/2piOnce you know r, you can calculate A using the formula A = pi x r x r

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There's no such thing as the "area of a circumference", no matter how you spell it.A circumference is a length, representing the distance around a circle, and doesn'thave an area.If you know the circumference of a circle, and you call it 'C', then the area of the circle isC2 / (4 pi)

Program to find area of circle using class in c?

class area{ int l,w,a; a=i*w; printf"area of rectangle is= %d",a; endl; }

How do you calculate the circumference and area of a circle if the radius is 19cm?

Circumference C = 2 r times pi C = 119.38052083641213 centimeters. Area A = r2 times pi. A = 1134.0815 square centimeters.

Write a program to find the area of circle in c?

PROGRAM TO FIND AREA & PERIMETER OF CIRCLE IN C++#include #include void main(){clrscr();double rad, area, perimeter;coutrad;area=3.14*rad*rad;perimeter=2*3.14*rad;cout

If circle A has a radius of 3 cm and circle B has a radius of 4 cm and circle C has the same total area as circles A and B combined hoe do you determine the radius of circle C?

The formual for area is: A = &pi;r2 so the area of circle A (assuming &pi;=3.142) is 28.278cm2, and the area of circle B is 50.272cm2.Their combined area of 78.55cm2 is the area of circle C.The formula for radius is: square root of A/&pi;78.55 &divide; 3.142 = 25, the square root of 25 is 5The radius of circle C is 5cmArea of Circle A = &pi;32 = 9&pi;Area of Circle B = &pi;42 = 16&pi;Area of Circle C = 9&pi; + 16&pi; = 25&pi;Let r = radius of Circle C then&pi;r2 = 25&pi; : r2 = 25 : r = 5.

What is a c program to find the area and perimeter of circle?

void main() { float pi=3.14,area,perimeter,r=2; area=pi*r*r; perimeter=2*pi*r; getch(); }

You do not know the radius of your circle how do you find the area?

If you have the diameter, half it to calculate the radius. Then you can use the radius to calculate the area. Or, if you have the circumference, you can combine the equations as follows: C=2&pi;R A=&pi;R2 R=C/(2&pi;) A=&pi;[C/(2&pi;)]2 A=&pi;[C2/4&pi;2] A=(&pi;C2)/(4&pi;2) A=C2/(4n) You can use the last equation if you know the circumference.