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  1. /* To check whether a number is Adam number or not */
  2. #include
  3. #include
  4. void main()
  5. {
  6. int i,n,n1,n2,ns,r,rev=0,nr=0,nrs;
  7. clrscr();
  8. printf("Enter a no.n");
  9. scanf("%d",&n);
  10. ns=n;
  11. n1=n*n;
  12. n2=n1;
  13. while(n2>0)
  14. {
  15. r=n2%10;
  16. n2=n2/10;
  17. rev=rev*10+r;
  18. }
  19. while(ns>0)
  20. {
  21. r=ns%10;
  22. ns=ns/10;
  23. nr=nr*10+r;
  24. }
  25. nrs=nr*nr;
  26. if (rev==nrs)
  27. printf("%d is an Adam no.n",n);
  28. else
  29. printf("%d is not an Adam no.n",n);
  30. getch();
  31. }
  32. }
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13y ago
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12y ago
  • #include
  • #include
  • void main()
  • {
  • int i,n,n1,n2,ns,r,rev=0,nr=0,nrs;
  • clrscr();
  • printf("Enter a no.n");
  • scanf("%d",&n);
  • ns=n;
  • n1=n*n;
  • n2=n1;
  • while(n2>0)
  • {
  • r=n2%10;
  • n2=n2/10;
  • rev=rev*10+r;
  • }
  • while(ns>0)
  • {
  • r=ns%10;
  • ns=ns/10;
  • nr=nr*10+r;
  • }
  • nrs=nr*nr;
  • if (rev==nrs)
  • printf("%d is an Adam no.n",n);
  • else
  • printf("%d is not an Adam no.n",n);
  • getch();
  • }
  • }
  • Read more: C_program_to_find_the_given_number_is_Adam_number

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Q: C program to find the given number is Adam number?
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