To calculate X/R, you must know what X and R are, then simply divide. The transformer test report should provide this information, and if not, there are ANSII standard values that can be used as estimates.
The X value, or the % impedance are usually given explicitly in the test report (sometimes both, but not always). The R value may be given as load loss at the base MVA rating. To find % R, take the load loss (in watts or kilowatts), and divide by the base MVA.
The % impedance is = %R + j%X, so you may need to do some (vector) math to get %X if not explicitly given.
in transformer
x/r ratio is reactance/resistance where reactance is impedance * frequency (60 hz)
Transformer figurines can be purchased at many retailers. Online Transformer figurines can be purchased at Amazon, Toys 'R' Us, eBay, Craigslist, Toy Wiz and others. In local markets, Transformer figurines can be purchased at Walmart, K-Mart, Toys 'R' Us, Target and comic book stores.
Transformer video games can be purchased at Game, HMV, Argos, WHSmith and most large supermarkets. Transformer Lego sets can be purchased again at most supermarkets, Argos, toys shops like Toys R' Us and The Entertainer, and Amazon.
a: 1:1 ratio its only purpose is to isolate
Distribution transformers change the feeder voltage to utilization voltage required by the consumer. they are essentially step down transformer which changes the voltage to standard service voltage. their rating is about 200KVA. since these transformers are operated throughout a day, eventhough they r not carrying load r not, it should hav a good ALL DAY EFFICIENCY .
4 * pi * r * r15 Fby subcooling20The formula for calculating the area of a circle - is Pi x r x r
The formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere is 4πr², where r is the radius of the sphere. This formula represents the area covered by the curved surface of the sphere.
in transformer
The equation for calculating the area of a circle is A r2, where A represents the area and r is the radius of the circle.
The formula for calculating the area of a circle - is Pi x r x r... where r is the radius.
C = 2∏r is the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle
A = 2 x pi x r (r + h)
x/r ratio is reactance/resistance where reactance is impedance * frequency (60 hz)
The transformer impedance is the amount of voltage applied for transformer during the load test.Answer.I really don't agree with the answer given by the previous user.Impedance is the total vector opposition offered by the transformer to the flow of current i.e the vector sum of its pure resistance (R) and it's inductive reactance (XL). AnswerThe 'impedance' of a transformer is usually expressed as a 'percentage impedance', which is defined (perhaps rather confusingly!) as the ratio of the primary voltage that will result in the full rated current flowing through the secondary, to the rated primary voltage.
the simplified ratio is 4:5