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bool is_even(long int num)


return !(num & 1); //when the number is even(divisible by two),

//its least significant bit is 0


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Q: Even number program
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Need a'c' program to find given number is even or odd?

No, thanks.

How do you write a C program to check whether the number is odd or even Ps-using DEV complier?

To write a C program to determine if something is odd or even you need to be a programmer. To write a program in C is complicate and only done by programmers.

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#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Program to find ODD or Even Number\n"); while(1) { int n = 0; printf("\nEnter a number(-1 for Exit): "); scanf("%d",&n); if( n 0) { printf("%d is a EVEN number.\n", n); } else { printf("%d is a ODD number.\n", n); } } return 0; }

Program for check a number is even or odd using PYTHON language?

This program checks whether a number is odd or even. NOTE: This site removes formatting from answers. Replace (tab) with a tab or four spaces. #!/usr/bin/python print("Type a number.") n = input(": ") l = len(n)-1 even = ("02468") if n[l] in even: (tab)print(n, "is even.") if n[l] not in even: (tab)print(n, "is odd.")

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The pseudo code would be as follows (you figure out the syntax) 1) Prompt the user to enter a number 2) If entered number is alpha, quit program after displaying message that the user ended the program. 3) Otherwise, find Modulo 2 of the entered number. This is a fancy way of saying "find the remainder when the number is divided by 2) 4) If Modulo 2 is zero, the number is even, otherwise odd 5) Display message showing if the entered number was Even or Odd 6) Branch back to step 1

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Write c program to find odd or even no?

For any number n you could use * (n % 2 == 0), which would be true for an even number, false for odd For an integer i, a simpler method would be * (i & 1), which would be true for an odd number, false for even

How do you find whether a given number is even or odd in Unix shell programming?

echo "Program to check even or odd number"echo "Enter a number"read na=`expr $n % 2`if [ $a -eq 0 ] ; then #Semicolon is most important for Executing ifelse statementsecho "It is an even number"elseecho "It is an odd number"fi

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c is programming laungage

C program to find weather given number is even or not?

Oh good old-fashioned C. void main() { int variable_name = [Any number goes here]; if (variable_name % 2 == 0) { printf("%d is even.", variable_name); } else { printf("%d is odd.", variable_name); } } I think I've helped enough, so it's up to you to learn how to get input from the user, if that's what you're working on.

Any integer is input through the keyboard write a c program to find out whether it is an odd number or even number?

printf(\n "ENTER THE NUMBER\t"); scanf{"%d",&a); while(a!=0); { r=a%2; if(r==0) printf("\n\n THE NUMBER IS EVEN \t"); else printf("\n\n THE NUMBER IS ODD \t"); printf ("\n ENTER THE NUMBER \t"); scanf("%d",&a); } getch(); }