

Formula for power

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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power= energy time the time in seconds power= energy time the time in seconds

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12y ago

Work with kinetic and potential energy being released from your body.

by: Andrew

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13y ago

Power =

(amount of work done, energy transferred, or energy dissipated, in some length of time)

divided by

(the length of time)

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14y ago

power = work over time to do work

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p= I/E is the formula for watts law

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the formula for power is work/time.

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One to any power is equal to 1. As a formula: For all x, 1x = 1.One to any power is equal to 1. As a formula: For all x, 1x = 1.One to any power is equal to 1. As a formula: For all x, 1x = 1.One to any power is equal to 1. As a formula: For all x, 1x = 1.

What are the formula for power?

Power = Current * Voltage Power = Change in work/change in time

What formula relates work and power?

The formula that relates work and power is: Power = Work / Time. Power is the rate at which work is done, which is the amount of work done divided by the time it takes to do that work.

What is the formula for joules using time and power?

The formula for calculating energy (in joules) using power and time is: Energy (Joules) = Power (Watts) x Time (seconds). This formula represents the amount of energy consumed or produced over a certain period of time at a specific power level.

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The formula of an oxide is typically written as a combination of the element symbol and the number of oxygen atoms present. For example, the formula for carbon dioxide is CO2, where "C" represents carbon and "O2" represents two oxygen atoms.

What is the formula and the unit for power?

The formula for power is P = W/t, where P represents power, W is work or energy, and t is time. The unit for power is the watt, which is equivalent to one joule per second.