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Q: How do you calculate power if flowpressure and efficiency is given?
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If the power input to a machin 75w and the output is 50w the efficiency is?

Generally efficiency is the ratio of the energy or power utilized usefully to the energy or power given as input to the device. So efficiency in this case = 50/75 = 2/3 Usually efficiency will be given in percentage. So multiplying 2/3 by 100 we get 66.7% as the efficiency of the machine.

How do you calculate electrical efficiency?

Electrical efficiency is calculated by dividing the useful output power (in watts) by the input power (in watts) and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. The formula is: Efficiency = (Useful output power / Input power) * 100. The higher the percentage of efficiency, the more effective the electrical system is at converting input power into useful output power.

How do you find the input power in the electric efficiency formula if you have the output power and the efficiency percent?

Output equals efficiency times input; in formula, Ot = Ef x In and so In = Ot/Ef. To calculate the original input, divide the output by the efficiency.

How the efficiency of machine be obtained?

Efficiency is output power divided by input power. You somehow have to measure, calculate, or estimate both; the details will vary depending on the type of energy input and energy output.

Formula for calculating efficiency of a power supply?

Efficiency = workout / workin * 100% how do I format this in the worksheet if the workout=KG what the work in will be?

What must you know in order to calculate a machine's efficiency?

To calculate a machine's efficiency, you need to know the input energy (such as electrical or mechanical energy supplied to the machine) and the output energy (work done by the machine). Efficiency is calculated by dividing the output energy by the input energy and multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Efficiency can be express mathematically as?

Efficiency = Output/Input. This is usually expressed as a percentage but may be given in the form of a ratio.Another AnswerEfficiency is output power divided by input power, normally expressed as a percentage.

The efficiency of an electric motor is given by the expression?

mu = output power / input power; where mu is the efficiency input power can be calculated from P = IV ; where P is power, I is current, and V is voltage. output power can be calculated from P = Fv ; where P is power, F is applied force, and v is the velocity.

What is the efficiency of the machine?

a machine applies a force of 100 newtons over a distance of 10 meters to raise a500 newtons drum 1.5 meters. what is efficiency of the machine ?

How do you calculate voltage efficinecy in DC voltage?

The efficiency of a device in electronics and electrical engineering is defined as useful power output divided by the total electrical power consumed. Scroll down to related links and look at "Electrical efficiency - Wikipedia".

How do you calculate power required for induction furnace?

To calculate the power required for an induction furnace, you need to consider factors such as the material being melted, desired melting rate, and system efficiency. The formula for calculating power is Power (kW) = (Mass in kg) x (Specific heat of material) x (Temperature rise in °C) x (Melting time in hours) / 860. This calculation gives you an estimate of the power needed to melt a specific amount of material in a given time frame.

How do you calculate power load given kva?

If you multiply kVA by Power Factor (Ranges from zero to one) you get watts which is effective power.