S = 1/R
Where S = Conductance in Siemens
R = Resistance in Ohms
If R is in Mega Ohms, S will be in Micro Siemens
The answer is .047Megohms. 1kilo ohm is 1,000 ohms. 1mega ohm is 1,000,000 ohms. Just move the decimal over to convert.
25 ohmsAnswerResistance is measured in ohms. Conductance is measured in siemens. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. So the ohmic equivalent of 400 siemens is 2.5 milliohms.
M is a si siffix for mega. It means million. 20 mega-ohms is 20 million ohms.
10.2 kilo ohms is the resistance necessary for 1 volt to induce a current of 98.04 micro amperes. Ohm's law: voltage equals current times resistance.
Ohms are the SI unit of electrical impedance. Siemens are the unit of electrical conductance. Ohms are V/A while Siemens are A/V. Take the reciprocal of one to get the other. 100 ohms is 1/100 or 0.01 S. 1 MS or 1,000,000 S is 0.000001 ohms, 1 micro ohm. 1 mS or 0.001 S is 1000 ohms.
Ohm is the reciprocal of Siemens. Ohm = 1/Siemens.
To convert ohms to: microohms - multiply by a million milliohms - multiply by 1000 kilohms - divide by 1000 megohms - divide by a million
Siemens is the reciprocal of ohm. You can convert from milliohms to ohms, then take the reciprocal. The answer will be in Siemens.
A Megohm is one million ohms. To convert ohms to Megohms, divide by one million.
if I have seen this right, you are converting ohms to siemens? Check you conductivity (siemens), divide "1" by the conductivity value. in scientific notation 1000 would be 1x10^3 and change the units to ohms. If correct, you should have 5x10^5. May not have helped you.
The answer is .047Megohms. 1kilo ohm is 1,000 ohms. 1mega ohm is 1,000,000 ohms. Just move the decimal over to convert.
The answer is .047Megohms. 1kilo ohm is 1,000 ohms. 1mega ohm is 1,000,000 ohms. Just move the decimal over to convert.
25 ohmsAnswerResistance is measured in ohms. Conductance is measured in siemens. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. So the ohmic equivalent of 400 siemens is 2.5 milliohms.
M is a si siffix for mega. It means million. 20 mega-ohms is 20 million ohms.
It is 0.00000002 megaohms.
10.2 kilo ohms is the resistance necessary for 1 volt to induce a current of 98.04 micro amperes. Ohm's law: voltage equals current times resistance.
The conductance of a wire is the reciprocal of its resistance. Therefore, for a wire with a resistance of 400 ohms, the conductance would be 1/400 siemens, or 0.0025 siemens.