Initialization. Hint: your compiler might warn you, neverignore warnings if you aren't absolutely sure what they mean.
Garbage collection is used to released resources which were previously used by the application(s) which is called garbage collector. Garbage collection allows to prevent memory leaks which are the main problem of old style of programming.
The source files take a longer time to compile, and reading and maintaining such programs is harder.
Global data are used only as a last resort. It's highly recommended not use global data in your programs because sometimes it's really hard to avoid name clashing. And as result to track such problem down.
Every C plus plus program that is a main program must have the function 'main'.
You can compile, link and execute programs without text-editor.
Garbage collection is used to released resources which were previously used by the application(s) which is called garbage collector. Garbage collection allows to prevent memory leaks which are the main problem of old style of programming.
Writing programs in it.
Writing computer-programs in it.
Some C programs can be compiled in C++, yes.
The best programs are written by humans, not by softwares.
The source files take a longer time to compile, and reading and maintaining such programs is harder.
Put all the values in an array, iterate through the array with a for loop, sum all the values, then divide by the count of the values.
Device drivers.
That depends on the values of 'z', 'y', and 'x'.
If the number (count) of odd values to sum is odd, then the answer is odd.If the number (count) of odd values to sum is even, then the answer is even.