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The following program shows one way to convert to BCD using a variation of packed BCD 8421 encoding. Each digit is represented by 4 bits in the range 0x0 to 0x9. 0xa denotes a minus symbol (for negative values) while 0xb denotes a decimal point for floating point values. The unused value 0xf is used to pad a BCD to a full byte when the number of symbols is odd. Values 0xc, 0xd and 0xe are ignored, but could be used for other purposes such as when representing exponents or fractions/ratios.

Values may be any length, the BCD being represented by a vector of type unsigned char. Since the value of a BCD could easily exceed the range of a long double or a 64-bit integer, conversion to these types is disabled. BCD values are constructed from an input string and converted back to a string for output.

Arithmetic operations can be overloaded to handle a BCD (using decimal notation arithmetic), however this has been left as an exercise for the reader.





using uchar = unsigned char;

class BCD_8421



std::vector<uchar> v;

static const uchar lo_mask {0x0f};

static const uchar hi_mask {0xf0};


BCD_8421 (void);

BCD_8421 (const BCD_8421&);

BCD_8421 (BCD_8421&&);

BCD_8421 (const std::string&);

BCD_8421& operator= (const BCD_8421&);

BCD_8421& operator= (BCD_8421&&);

BCD_8421& operator= (const std::string&);

static bool is_valid (const std::string& s);

operator std::string (void) const;

friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const BCD_8421&);


BCD_8421::BCD_8421 (void): v(1, 0) {}

BCD_8421::BCD_8421 (const BCD_8421& bcd): v (bcd.v) {}

BCD_8421::BCD_8421 (BCD_8421&& bcd): v (std::move(bcd.v)) {}

BCD_8421::BCD_8421 (const std::string& s): v{} { *this = s; }

BCD_8421& BCD_8421::operator= (const BCD_8421& bcd) { v=bcd.v; return *this; }

BCD_8421& BCD_8421::operator= (BCD_8421&& bcd) { v=std::move(bcd.v); return *this; }

BCD_8421& BCD_8421::operator= (const std::string& s)



uchar c {};

bool msb {false};

bool minus {false};

bool point {false};

bool error {false};

bool digit {false};

for (auto i=s.begin(); i!=s.end(); ++i)


if (!msb)

c = hi_mask;

uchar x;

switch (*i)


case ('0'):

if (!digit)


case ('1'):

case ('2'):

case ('3'):

case ('4'):

case ('5'):

case ('6'):

case ('7'):

case ('8'):

case ('9'):

digit = true;

x = *i - '0';


case ('.'):

if (!point)


point = !point;

x = 10;




error = !error;

case ('-'):

if (!minus && i==s.begin())


minus = !minus;

x = 11;




error = !error;


if (error)



v.push_back (hi_mask);

std::stringstream ss;

ss << "Error: invalid argument in BCD_8421.operator= ("" << s << "")";

throw std::invalid_argument (ss.str());


if (msb)

v.push_back ((c & lo_mask) | (x << 4));


c |= x;

msb = !msb;


if (msb && c)

v.push_back (c);

else if (!digit)



v.push_back (hi_mask);


return *this;


bool BCD_8421::is_valid (const std::string& s)


const std::string valid_chars {"0123456789-."};

if (s.find_first_not_of (valid_chars) != valid_chars.npos)

return false;

auto f = s.find ('-');

if (f != s.rfind('-') (f && f!=s.npos))

return false;

if (s.find ('.') != s.rfind('.'))

return false;

return true;


BCD_8421::operator std::string (void) const


std::stringstream ss;

bool digit {false};

bool point {false};

for (auto i : v)


bool msb {false};



uchar c {};

uchar x = msb ? i >> 4 : i & lo_mask;

switch (x)


case (0x0):

case (0x1):

case (0x2):

case (0x3):

case (0x4):

case (0x5):

case (0x6):

case (0x7):

case (0x8):

case (0x9): c = '0' + x; digit = true; break;

case (0xa): c = '.'; point = true; break;

case (0xb): c = '-'; break;

default: break;


if (point && !digit)

ss << '0';

if (c) ss << c;

msb = !msb;

} while (msb);


if (ss.str().back()=='.')

ss << '0';

return ss.str();


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const BCD_8421& bcd)


return os << static_cast<std::string> (bcd);


int main()


for (unsigned loop=0; loop<10; ++loop)


std::string input;

while (true)


std::cout << "Enter a numeric value: ";

std::cin >> input;

if (BCD_8421::is_valid (input))


std::cerr << "Invalid input.\n";




BCD_8421 a = input;

std::cout << "You entered the value: " << a << std::endl;


catch (std::range_error& e)


std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;




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