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Well, I believe you mean hexadecimal, not hexagon. Just like DECImal is base 10, BInary is base 2 and HEXADECImal is base 16. To convert by hand, you can convert binary to decimal, then decimal to hexadecimal.

For instance, 1011001 becomes 1*64 + 0*32 + 1*16 + 1*8 + 0*4 +0*2 +1*1 = 89.

Now we need to convert that to hexadecimal, so write out the the powers of 16: 16^0 = 1, 16^1 = 16, 16^2 = 256.

256 is larger than 89, so we only need two digits.

For the first digit:

16*1=16, 16*2=32, 16*3=48, 16*4=64, 16*5=80, 16*6=96.

96 is larger than 89, so the first digit (the 16^1 position) is 5.

Subtract 80 from 89 = 9.

16^0 = 1. 1*9 = 9. The second digit is 9

The hexadecimal equivalent is 59

Alternatively, (and faster) you can write out groups of four binary digits.

(Binary) = (Hexadecimal)

0000 = 0

0001 = 1

0010 = 2

0011 = 3

0100 = 4

0101 = 5

0110 = 6

0111 = 7

1000= 8

1001 = 9

1010 = A

1011 = B

1100 = C

1101 = D

1110 = E

1111 = F

Then segment the binary number into groups of four

(e.g. 10011010111001 becomes 10 0110 1011 1001 -- you can pad the first group with 2 zeroes to make it a group of 4)

and use the above mapping to turn that into 26B9.

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