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C++ does not support octal encoding within source code (only decimal and hexadecimal are supported), so the octal must be represented with a string. The binary output must also be a string. Every octal digit represents three bits of binary, thus the binary output string will always be three times the length of the octal input string.

The loop will begin with the octal character at index 0 and work through each character from left to right. On each iteration, the binary output string will be appended with a 3-character string, as follows:

octal = binary

"0" = "000"

"1" = "001"

"2" = "010"

"3" = "011"

"4" = "100"

"5" = "101"

"6" = "110"

"7" = "111"

Thus octal input "437" will begin with the "4" producing an output of "100". On the next iteration, "3" will append "011" to produce "100011". On the final iteration, "7" will append "111" to produce "100011111".

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Q: How do you convert octal digits into three binary digits?
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Conversion of binary to octal?

Binary is a base 2 number system, while octal is base 8. This happens to make conversion between binary and octal fairly trivial, although more complex than conversion to hexadecimal. To convert to octal from binary, take each three bits, starting from the least significant bit, and convert them to their octal equivalent. Examples: 25510 = 111111112 = 11 111 111 = 3778 17410 = 101011102 = 10 101 110 = 2568 You can repeat this process for as many bits as you need. A 24-bit number should translate into 8 octal numbers, for reference.

How do you convert hexadecimal 4c.B7 to Binary?

Convert each hex digit to four binary digits. If you get less than three (for example, 7 --> 111), fill it out with zeroes to the left (in this case, 0111).

How do you convert binary numbers to hexadecimal notation?

Each hexadecimal digit represent four binary bits. Using the table... 0 = 0000 1 = 0001 2 = 0010 3 = 0011 4 = 0100 5 = 0101 6 = 0110 7 = 0111 8 = 1000 9 = 1001 A = 1010 B = 1011 C = 1100 D = 1101 E = 1110 F = 1110 ... replace each hexadecimal digit with its correspnding binary digits. As an example, 37AB16 is 00110111101010112.

What was the use of octal and hexadecimal language in computer?

Octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16) are simply shorthand notations for binary sequences. We can actually use any base that is a power of 2 (including base 4, base 32, base 64, and so on) as a shorthand for binary, but we use octal and hexadecimal because they are fairly easy to work with. If we look at base 4 first, we can better understand the relationship between binary and all other bases that are a power of 2. Base 4 only uses 4 symbols, 0, 1, 2 and 3. In binary these would be represented by 00, 01, 10 and 11 respectively. Thus a single base 4 digit can be used in place of every two binary digits, essentially halving the length of any binary sequence. Base 8 (octal) uses 8 symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. In binary that is 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111. Thus a single octal digit can be used in place of every 3 binary digits, reducing the length of a binary sequence by two-thirds. Similarly, base 16 (hexadecimal) uses 16 digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e and f, and each digit can represent 4 binary digits. By the same token a single base 32 digit represents 5 binary digits, while a single base 64 digit represents 6 binary digits, and so on. Since octal notation splits a binary sequence into groups of three bits, it is ideal when the number of bits is a multiple of 3, such as in a 24-bit system. That is, a 24-bit sequence (with 24 digits), can be reduced to an octal sequence of just 8 digits. And since hexadecimal notation splits a binary sequence into groups of 4 bits, it is ideal when the number of bits is a multiple of 4, such as in a 32-bit system. Again, a 32-bit sequence (with 32 digits) can be reduced to a hexadecimal sequence of just 8 digits. We predominantly use hexadecimal as a shorthand notation for binary numbers because a byte is typically 8-bits long, thus we only need two hexadecimal digits to represent all possible values in a byte. A single hexadecimal digit therefore represents half a byte, which we affectionately call a nybble. You may well ask why we don't just use decimal notation as a shorthand for binary sequences and save us humans all the hassle of translating altogether. After all, if computers can be programmed to translate hexadecimal and octal notation into their native binary, then surely they can also be programmed to do the same for decimal. In actual fact they can and do. But when presented with a long sequence of binary such as: 01111101010011010110010011110100 it's much easier to split the sequence into groups of 4 digits and assign a single hex digit to each than it is to work out what the decimal equivalent would be. In this case the binary number splits as follows: 0111 1101 0100 1101 0110 0100 1111 0100 Then we can assign each group its hexadecimal equivalent: 7 D 4 D 6 4 F 4 Thus the hexadecimal value is 7D4D64F4. In decimal we would have to write the value 2,102,224,116 instead. While this is only 2 digits longer than the hexadecimal (if we remove the comma separators), it takes a lot longer to work it out (I cheated and used a calculator). Hexadecimal is not only a much simpler conversion (you can easily do it in your head), it also works in reverse to reveal the original binary value. Remember that we don't really care what the decimal value is -- all we're really interested in is the binary value and how we can notate it as quickly as possible using as few symbols as possible. And counting up to 16 is really not much more difficult than counting up to 10. Although it can take a bit of practice getting used to hexadecimal notation, it quickly becomes second nature, and you'll soon be counting in all sorts of bases besides base 10. You already do, in fact. The 24-hour clock is intrinsically sexagesimal, so you've been marking time in base 60 all this time (pun intended) without even realising it. The only reason it is base 60 is because it is the lowest number that is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The ancient Sumerians knew this 5,000 years ago. It's also the reason why circles have exactly 360 degrees.

What is the binary code used for?

binary code(computer science) A code in which each allowable position has one of two possible states, commonly 0 and 1; the binary number system is one of many binary codes.Source:

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How will you convert octal to hexadecimal?

Each octal digit is equivalent to three binary digits; each hexadecimal digit is equal to four binary digits. I think the best way to do this conversion is to convert each octal digit into the binary equivalent (3 digits in each case - don't omit the zeros on the left), then convert the binary to hexadecimal by grouping four binary digits at a time (starting from the right). Note that nowadays, most scientific calculators - including the calculator that comes included in Windows - have the ability to do this sort of conversion. If you want to practice doing it yourself, you can still use the Windows calculator to check your calculations.

What is the binary equivalent of the octal number 13.54?

To convert an octal number to binary, each octal digit is converted to a group of three binary digits. In this case, the octal number 13.54 is equivalent to 101.101100 in binary. The whole number part (13) is converted to 101, and the fractional part (.54) is converted to 101100.

Convert binary to octal?

To convert a binary number of an octal number, group each set of three bits into a group, starting from the right. Then, convert each group into its decimal equivalent. A 1 in the leftmost bit is a 4, a one in the middle bit is a 2, and a one in the right bit is a 1. For example, 101 is 4+0+1, or 5. Grouping should be as follows:Binary: 0011010011010110Grouped: 0 011 010 011 010 110Octal: 032326You may also find programs that will perform this conversion for you. Windows Calculator can perform this translation for you when using the advanced mode that shows binary/hex/octal options.

What is the octal equivalent of decimal number 16?

The octal equivalent of decimal number 16 is 20. In octal, each digit represents three binary digits, so converting decimal 16 (which is 10000 in binary) into octal gives 20.

Could you please convert octal no 53324 to hexadecimal?

You could first convert it to binary, and then to hexadecimal. Because octal and hexadecimal bases are both powers of two, the conversion between those bases and binary is quite easy. To go from octal to binary, take each digit in the number, and convert it to three binary digits: 5 -> 101 3 -> 011 2 -> 010 4 -> 100 So the binary version of the number is: 101 011 011 010 100 In order to convert to hexadecimal, your number of digits needs to be divisible by four (as 24 = 16). To get that, we need to add a digit, which will be a zero as our leftmost digit: 0101 0110 1101 0100 Now we can convert each of those sets of four binary digits into single hexadecimal digits, giving us our final answer: 9AD8

How do you convert octal to binary number system?

Octal numbers are in the range 0 to 7. Since 111 binary is 7 decimal, every three bits in a binary number can be directly converted to a single octal digit. Thus the 9-bit binary number 101011100 can be split into three groups of three bits, 101 011 100, each of which can be converted to octal, 5 3 4, making the octal representation 5348. If a binary number is not an exact multiple of 3 bits, pad with zeroes until it is. Note that all bases that are a power of 2 are directly related to binary. A single base-4 digit represents two binary digits, while a base-8 digit represents three bits, base-16 every four bits, and so on.

Why are these octal codes used instead of decimal system?

Octal codes are often used to write the numerical value of a binary number because it is easier to convert from binary to octal, instead of binary to decimal. You can convert to octal on sight, and it simply requires grouping the binary bits into groups of three, whereas converting to decimal requires repeated division by 10102 or 1010. Actually, grouping into three bits is the same as dividing by 1002 or 810 so the process is really the same. Divide by 8 to get octal. Divide by 10 to get decimal.

How do you convert a octal to its binary number?

Convert every octal digit into three binary digit: 0->000 1->001 2->010 3->011 4->100 5->101 6->110 7->111

Conversion of binary to octal?

Binary is a base 2 number system, while octal is base 8. This happens to make conversion between binary and octal fairly trivial, although more complex than conversion to hexadecimal. To convert to octal from binary, take each three bits, starting from the least significant bit, and convert them to their octal equivalent. Examples: 25510 = 111111112 = 11 111 111 = 3778 17410 = 101011102 = 10 101 110 = 2568 You can repeat this process for as many bits as you need. A 24-bit number should translate into 8 octal numbers, for reference.

Write the binary number in octane notation 10100100011?

The word is "octal", not octane. Take groups of three, from the right:10 100 100 011Now, convert each group to an octal digit (same as a decimal digit:2443The word is "octal", not octane. Take groups of three, from the right:10 100 100 011Now, convert each group to an octal digit (same as a decimal digit:2443The word is "octal", not octane. Take groups of three, from the right:10 100 100 011Now, convert each group to an octal digit (same as a decimal digit:2443The word is "octal", not octane. Take groups of three, from the right:10 100 100 011Now, convert each group to an octal digit (same as a decimal digit:2443

How do you convert hexadecimal 4c.B7 to Binary?

Convert each hex digit to four binary digits. If you get less than three (for example, 7 --> 111), fill it out with zeroes to the left (in this case, 0111).