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You must solve the equations of the lines simultaneously. Represent each line in an equation of the form y=mx +b (where m represents the slope of the line, that is "rise over run"), then make substitutions using the info you have to solve for a pair of coordinates they share.

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Q: How do you find if two line segments intersect?
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What is a PVI?

PVI = Point of Vertical Intersect. It's where two adjoining Curve Lines meet in the Center of the Arc or Curved Line.

What is a crack in buildings?

A crack in buildings is generally referred to a line which separates two segments of a building. It is detrimental to the quality of the building, and causes a loss of strength in the structure and support of the building.

How is a line different from a line segment?

A line is basically a combination of two joined rays pointing in opposite directions. A line has no endpoints and a line segment has two. <--------------> line ---------------> or <------------ ray .________. line segment (It's supposed to be a line with dots at the end to signify endpoint)

What is a grid address?

A: A GRID is a like a cross patch where there are many points of entry and when two point intersect that point will be unique and a address can be given.

What are the different types of geometric constraints that are applied to sketches and what are their functions?

Perpendicular is a constraint that causes lines or axes of curves to meet at right angles.Parallel causes two or more lines or ellipse axes to be equidistant from each other.Tangent is used to cause two arcs or a line and an arc to intersect at a single point perpendicular to the arc's radius.Coincident fixes two points together, or fixes a point to a curve.Concentric causes two or more arcs, circles, or ellipses to share the same center point.Colinear causes two lines or ellipse axes to lie along the same line.Horizontal causes lines, ellipse axes, or pairs of points to lie parallel to the X axis of the sketch coordinate system.Vertical causes lines, ellipse axes, or pairs of points to lie parallel to the y axis of the sketch coordinate system.Equal forces line segments to be the same length and arcs or circles to have the same radius.Fix constrains points or curves to a specific point on the sketch coordinate system.Symmetry causes selected lines or curves to become symmetrically constrained about a selected line.(

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What two line segments intersect but are not perpendicular?

whatto line segments intersect but are not perpendicular

What does two segments that do not intersect look like?

Line segments that do not intersect are parallel lines

When two line segments intersect and form a 90 degree angle?


What is created when two line segments intersect?

When two line segments intersect, an angle is created. The degree of the angle depends on the positions of the two intersecting lines. The wider the space between the two intersecting lines, the larger number of degrees the angle encompasses.

Two lines or line segments that intersect creates?

make an angle (or 4 angles).

What is it when two lines or line segments intersect?

intersecting lines Anthony J. Suero

How do you know if two line segments are perpendicuar?

If they intersect at right angles which is 90 degrees then they are perpendicular lines.

How polygons are formed?

A polygon is formed by taking line segments and allowing them to cross or intersect. You must let each segment intersect exactly two others. The result is a polygon.

How do you classify a parallel line?

I classify a parallel line as two line segments that will never intersect if the line kept going. They are perfectly straight and even.

Do two planes intersect at a point or a line?

Two planes intersect at a line

What does it mean if two line segments are perpendicular to each other?

their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other. and they make a right angle when they intersect.

Can two segments intersect more than once?

no yes of course. they can intersect infinite times when they coincide