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Q: How do you maintain an optimal level of arousal in my students?
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Materials required to construct robot for students level?

what age? "robot" is a VERY generic term. they can range from Lego mindstorms (great for students around age 8) to robotic arms (great for students around age 19). likely you're looking for something like this:

Will low refrigerant cause excess electric bill?

If the refrigerant is not at an optimal level (either too low or too high), the system will have to work harder to produce the same amount of cooling. This results in more electricity being used to get the same amount of cooling.

Why importance discrete mathematics for computer science?

Discrete math is essential to college-level mathematics and beyond.Discrete math-together with calculus and abstract algebra-is one of the core components of mathematics at the undergraduate level. Students who learn a significant quantity of discrete math before entering college will be at a significant advantage when taking undergraduate-level math courses.Discrete math is the mathematics of computing.The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete math, in particular combinatorics and graph theory. This means that in order to learn the fundamental algorithms used by computer programmers, students will need a solid background in these subjects. Indeed, at most universities, a undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is a required part of pursuing a computer science degree.Discrete math is very much "real world" mathematics.Many students' complaints about traditional high school math-algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and the like-is "What is this good for?" The somewhat abstract nature of these subjects often turn off students. By contrast, discrete math, in particular counting and probability, allows students-even at the middle school level-to very quickly explore non-trivial "real world" problems that are challenging and interesting.Discrete math shows up on most middle and high school math contests.Prominent math competitions such as MATHCOUNTS (at the middle school level) and the American Mathematics Competitions (at the high school level) feature discrete math questions as a significant portion of their contests. On harder high school contests, such as the AIME, the quantity of discrete math is even larger. Students that do not have a discrete math background will be at a significant disadvantage in these contests. In fact, one prominent MATHCOUNTS coach tells us that he spends nearly 50% of his preparation time with his students covering counting and probability topics, because of their importance in MATHCOUNTS contests.Discrete math teaches mathematical reasoning and proof techniques.Algebra is often taught as a series of formulas and algorithms for students to memorize (for example, the quadratic formula, solving systems of linear equations by substitution, etc.), and geometry is often taught as a series of "definition-theorem-proof" exercises that are often done by rote (for example, the infamous "two-column proof"). While undoubtedly the subject matter being taught is important, the material (as least at the introductory level) does not lend itself to a great deal of creative mathematical thinking. By contrast, with discrete mathematics, students will be thinking flexibly and creatively right out of the box. There are relatively few formulas to memorize; rather, there are a number of fundamental concepts to be mastered and applied in many different ways.Discrete math is fun.Many students, especially bright and motivated students, find algebra, geometry, and even calculus dull and uninspiring. Rarely is this the case with most discrete math topics. When we ask students what the favorite topic is, most respond either "combinatorics" or "number theory." (When we ask them what their least favorite topic is, the overwhelming response is "geometry.") Simply put, most students find discrete math more fun than algebra or geometry.We strongly recommend that, before students proceed beyond geometry, they invest some time learning elementary discrete math, in particular counting & probability and number theory. Students can start studying discrete math-for example, our books Introduction to Counting & Probability and Introduction to Number Theory-with very little algebra background.

What does high level of arousal do to your body?

In Males: 1. Heart rate increases. 2. Breathing may become deeper. 3. Penis becomes erect. 4. Nipples become more rigid. 5. Person may become more happy or excited. I think that's all. If theres more I can't think of them right now, but they are the most common changes that occur.

Which is the difference between a level valve and level control valve?

The purpose of both the valves is same - that to maintain a certain level(in a vessel or tank...) Simple Level valve could be referred to an ON - OFF valve where as control valve could be referred to an analog type of valve. On - OFF valve is for a crude control of level, while control valve is used where a fine level control is needed.

Related questions

What describes the best statements of arousal theory?

Arousal theory suggests that individuals seek to maintain an optimal level of physiological or mental arousal to perform at their best. This theory proposes that performance is influenced by the level of arousal, with both low and high arousal levels impeding performance. Different tasks require different levels of arousal for optimal performance.

What term describes the arousal theory?

Arousal theory suggests that people are motivated to seek an optimal level of arousal or excitement. This theory proposes that individuals seek to maintain an ideal level of stimulation to feel motivated and engaged in their activities.

What are the similarities and differences of drive theories and arousal theories?

Drive theories and arousal theories both explain behavior in terms of internal states. Drive theory posits that motivation arises from the need to reduce internal tension or satisfy biological needs, while arousal theory suggests that individuals are motivated to maintain an optimal level of arousal. The key difference is that drive theory focuses on reducing tension, while arousal theory emphasizes the desire to seek out stimulation to maintain an optimal level of arousal.

What are the main points of optimal arousal?

Optimal arousal theory suggests that performance is best when an individual's arousal level is moderate, not too high or too low. This theory emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance of arousal to achieve optimal performance in tasks. Factors like complexity of the task and individual differences can influence the level of arousal needed for peak performance.

What is Donald Hebb's theory of optimal level of arousal?

Medium arousal is optimal for performance. Too much or too little arousal hampers performance.Optimal Levels: For easy tasks- at the higher end; For harder tasks- at the lower end (since too much arousal causes anxiety)

What is the inverted U theory?

Yerkes and Dodson (1908) At low levels of arousal, performance will be below par, the athlete is not psyched up. As arousal increases so does performance, up to an optimal point. After this point, further increases in arousal lead to declines in performance. Each athlete has their own optimal level of arousal. Optimal arousal is higher for more simple tasks and lower for more complex tasks. Problems with inverted 'U' Theory * Critics question if optimal arousal always occurs at the mid-point of the curve. * One curve does not explain the different optimal levels of arousal needed for simple and complex tasks.

How did the optimal arousal theory help Aron Ralston survive?

The optimal arousal theory suggests that individuals seek to maintain an optimal level of arousal to perform best. In Aron Ralston's case, being trapped in a life-threatening situation like being alone and trapped in a canyon without any rescue in sight may have led to heightened arousal levels, which could have helped him stay alert and make decisions crucial to his survival. Ultimately, his ability to stay focused and determined may have been influenced by this theory.

An individual performs best at the optimal?

An individual performs best at the optimal level when they are experiencing peak mental and physical capability. This state is usually achieved through a combination of good physical health, mental focus, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and effective stress management. It is important to maintain a balance in all areas of life to consistently perform at the optimal level.

Briefly describe the inverted U hypothesis?

The inverted U hypothesis suggests that performance increases with arousal up to a certain point, then decreases as arousal continues to increase. This explains that there is an optimal level of arousal for performance, and too little or too much arousal can impair performance.

What is arousal motives?

Our need for stimulation (the arousal motive) suggests that behavior efficiency increases as we move from deep sleep to increased alertness. However, once we pass the maximum level of arousal, our performance declines.

What is the optimal pH level for a dog's skin to maintain healthy and balanced skin?

The optimal pH level for a dog's skin to maintain healthy and balanced skin is around 6.5 to 7.5.

Which theory proposes that behavior may be aimed at increasing or decreasing alertness and activity depending on the circumstances?

The arousal theory proposes that behavior may be aimed at increasing or decreasing alertness and activity depending on the circumstances. This theory suggests that individuals seek to maintain an optimal level of arousal to function effectively in different situations.