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14y ago

A call to Math.sqrt(n) will return the square root of n as a double.

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12y ago

Use the method in the math class called sqrt(); Parameters are the number you want square rooted.

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Q: How do you square root in java?
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Which math function is used to find the square root of a number using java?

Math.sqrt(number) function is used to find the square root of a number.. try it

How do you write a java program to find the square root of a number?

You can use the Math.sqrt() method.

How do you find out the square root of a number in java?

Use:public static double pow(double a,double b)here b = 0.5

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The square root of the square root of 2

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Java allows us to perform 'dynamic initialization' of variables too.What this means is that you can initialize variables using expressions (as will be seen in the example).In the program, we have a int variable 'root' which has an initial defined value of 10. We then create another variable 'square' of the same data-type, which will store the square of root.//This program displays dynamic initialization in javapublicclassExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){introot=10; //root has a constant value assignedintsquare=root*root; //notice that square has "root*root" assigned to it//if u change the value of root,//the value of square changes accordingly//after each compilation//display the values of square and rootSystem.out.println("Root= " +root + " Square= "+square);}}

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Some irrational numbers?

square root of (2 ) square root of (3 ) square root of (5 ) square root of (6 ) square root of (7 ) square root of (8 ) square root of (9 ) square root of (10 ) " e " " pi "

Irrational numbers between 2 and 2.5?

There are infinitely many of them. They include square root of (4.41) square root of (4.42) square root of (4.43) square root of (4.44) square root of (4.45) square root of (5.3) square root of (5.762) square root of (6) square root of (6.1) square root of (6.2)

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It's not a square if it has no root. If a number is a square then, by definition, it MUST have a square root. If it did not it would not be a square.

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square root 2 times square root 3 times square root 8

What is the square root of 4x?

We use the property of square roots that says the square root of (ab)=square root (a) multiplied by square root of b So square root (4x)=square root (4) mutiplies by square root of x =2(square root (x)) 2sqrt(x)