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1. Calculate the mean average of the N numbers. Suppose it is stored in the variable D.

2. Now calculate the differences between each number with D and square the value. As there are N numbers so store this difference in an array. Example arr[0] = (num0 - D)^2; arr[1] = (num1 - D)^2; arr[N-1] = (numN - D)^2;

3. Now sum array value and divide by N, suppose the value is stored in F. Now square root F. It is the standard deviation of your N number.

I hope you can write the code by yourself or follow the part:

suppose you will store the N numbers in an array num. Now:

int num[N+2], D = 0; //or declare the num array as float or double if there are any precision value

for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)


D += num[i];


D /= N;

int arr[N+2];

for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)


arr[i] = (num[i] - D)^2; //square the difference.


int F = 0; //if precision value is accepted then declare F as float or double not int.

for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)


F += arr[i];


F /= N;

F = sqrt(F); //use #include <cmath> in your header file list so that you can use sqrt() function or simply use #include <bits/stdc++.h>


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Write a program to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values.

S.D. = Use nesting function concept

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