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Draw line(s) parallel to the axes and identify where they meet them.

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Q: How will you determine the x- and coordinates of each position?
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Write a c program to convert from cartesian to polar coordinates?

the equation that convert from cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa r = sqrt (x*x+y*y); phi = atan2 (y, x); x = r*cos (phi); y = r*sin (phi);

What is turnpike reconstruction problem in data structures?

•Given |D| distances, determine x coordinates for points lying on x-axis-|D|=N(N-1)/2 •Easy to go from points to distances in O(N2) - distances to points is worst-case exponential

How do you determine mouse position in visual basic?

I have provided the answer in link form. Please click the Microsoft Support link listed create an integer for each coordinate that is auto-updatedPrivate Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles_ Me.MouseMoveDim x As IntegerDim y As Integerx = e.Xy = e.YEnd Sub

How do you implement a Point class that represents a point in a two dimensional space where a point p is defined by 2 coordinates x and y?

public class Point { public int x; public int y; }

Two forces with magnitudes of 20 pounds and 14 pounds and an angles of 55 degrees between them are applied to an object How do you find the magnitude of the resultant vector?

1) Decide on a position for the vectors; for example, place one of them along the x-axis (from left to right). 2) Making a drawing is sort of optional, but it helps visualize the problem. This might save you from making mistakes. 3) Convert both vectors to rectangular coordinates. The polar-->rectangular conversion, available on most scientific calculators, can help a lot with this. 4) Add the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of both vectors separately. 5) Convert to polar coordinates (once again, using the corresponding function on your scientific calculator). One of the numbers given, in polar coordinates, is the magnitude of the vector; the other is the angle.

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In a two axis system each point has?

In a two-axis system, each point has coordinates that specify its position in relation to the two axes. The horizontal axis is typically labeled x, and the vertical axis is labeled y. The coordinates of a point are written as (x, y).

Where is Voyager 1 and 2 relative location?

The simple answer is that they are both in the heliosheath. The complex answer is that if you take the X,Y,Z coordinates of both satellites, you can determine their position relative to each other. I would do that math for you, but when I checked NASA is no longer posting Voyager position coordinates to their Web site. But when they put them back up, we may be able to do that calculation.

What is y equals 2 over 1x plus 1 graphed I have no idea how to do my math homework?

Assume the expression is y = 2/(x + 1). Determine each x value for the expression to determine the full coordinates of the point. Then, plot in each coordinates on the graph and connect them with the straight line. You should obtain somewhat two hyperbolas, not touching y = 0 and x = -1.

How is position defined in two directions?

Position is defined using two coordinates: x for horizontal position and y for vertical position. The x-coordinate determines the position along the horizontal axis, while the y-coordinate determines the position along the vertical axis. Together, these coordinates pinpoint a specific location in two dimensions.

What is the pair of numbers used to determine the postition of a point on a graph?

The x and y coordinates.

How do you determine where to mark a point on the graph?

At the given coordinates where the x and y values intersect

What is the symbol for position?

The symbol for position in physics is typically represented by the letter "x". This symbol is used to denote the location of an object along a particular axis, such as the x-axis in Cartesian coordinates.

What are coordinates on just cause 2?

Coordinates in Just Cause 2 can be found on the top right hand corner of your PDA (Map). These can be useful to pinpoint a specific location.

What is the position of a data point on a graph that is determined by a pair of numbers?

The position data point depends on the given coordinates of x and y

What does coordinates mean in map coordinates?

Coordinates are linear and/or angular quantities that designate the position of a point in relation to a given reference frame. In a two-dimensional plane, x and y are commonly used to designate coordinates of a point.

How do you determine x and y in the same mathematical problem?

substitute 0 for y and solve for x. then substitute x for 0 and solve for why and you have the x and y coordinates

The domain of a relation is the set of all x-coordinates from each pair?
