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The fuse will fail at 50 amps regardless of which voltage you use.

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Q: If a 50 amp fuse rated 32 volts is used in a 12 volt circuit at what amperage will it fail?
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Two 12 volt batteries in series one has 4 amp's another has 4 amp's they are connected across a 2 ohm load the current flowing in the circuit is?

Volts = Current x Resistance. You have 24 Volts divided by 2 ohms and the draw will be 12 amps. Your batteries will fail quickly if not spectacularly.

Can circuit breaker isolate circuit?

That's just what a circuit-breaker is designed to do - Isolate a circuit from the rest of the system.AnswerNot necessarily. A circuit breaker is a protective device, designed to disconnect circuits in the event of an overcurrent due to overload or short circuit. While a low-/medium-voltage circuit breaker, of course, can be used to open a circuit, it does not necessarily provide isolation. In general, isolation requires a visible break in the circuit; as a circuit breaker's contacts are enclosed, a visible break is not possible.In the case of a high-voltage circuit breaker, the device is used to open a circuit but does not isolate that circuit from the supply. Isolation must be provided using separate,usually non-loadbreaking devices (i.e. devices which are not designed to open a live circuit) called isolators (UK term) or disconnector (US/Canadian term), which provide a visual break in the circuit. The exception to this is a racking-type circuit breaker which, after it has been opened, can be racked down from the circuits to provide a visual disconnection.

Why is it necessary to bias a transistor when it is to be used as an amplifier?

Biasing is necessary in a transistor circuit to keep the transistor working. Without proper biasing, the circuit will fail

How does power supply failure alarm circuit works?

Power supplies don't fail. Idiot.

Four loads are connected in series across 120 volts dc 3 amperes current exists one load fail to operate?

Your description of the system is either contradictory or incomplete, therefor no answer can be given.

Related questions

Why limit the amount of electricity passing trough a circuit?

Circuits are limited for a few reasons firstly because certain size wiring can only handle so much voltage and amperage before it could fail secondly wiring heats up when more amperage is drawn through it which can create fires or burning out of the circuit most appliances draw set amount of current and amperage if you have a low amperage appliance Eg pool pump drawing 4 amps and the windings start to fail the motor can start drawing excessive amperage creating a hazard, if you had a large circuit it may never trip the breaker indicating a fault with the appliance which can cause catastrophic failure.

How do you calculate rated kva of a circuit breaker?

You don't calculate the rated kV.A of a circuit breaker; it's determined by the manufacturer. It's important that a circuit breaker's rated kV.A exceeds the fault level kV.A at the point where the circuit breaker is located, otherwise it may fail to interrupt a fault current and, possibly, self destruct.

Why do you need to know voltage of a breaker?

Breakers and other electrical equipment are rated in voltage so you know what voltage they can withstand. The breaker could fail and start a fire if you apply a higher voltage than it is rated for. Breakers are actually rated in amps (current in excess of this will trip it), interrupting rating (how many amps the breaker can handle during a short circuit) and in volts (is the difference of potential or the pressure that is pushing the current). The breaker I am looking at is rated for 15 amps, 10,000 amps interrupting rating and 120/240 volts.

Two 12 volt batteries in series one has 4 amp's another has 4 amp's they are connected across a 2 ohm load the current flowing in the circuit is?

Volts = Current x Resistance. You have 24 Volts divided by 2 ohms and the draw will be 12 amps. Your batteries will fail quickly if not spectacularly.

Can a 6 amp switch control a 12 amp motor?

No, a 6 amp switch should not be used to control a 12 amp motor as it may cause the switch to overheat and fail due to exceeding its amperage rating. It is important to match the switch's amperage rating with the motor's amperage to ensure safe and proper operation.

Would a relay race be a good example for a parallel circuit or a series circuit?

A relay race would be an example of a series circuit. Since every runner relies on the runner before him/her to continue on, if one runner fails the rest of them fail. With a series circuit, if one part of the circuit fails, all of the parts before and after it fails. A parallel circuit does not completely fail if one or more of the parts fail.

What would cause the ecmb fuse to pop on a 1989 full size blazer?

There are only two things which cause fuses to "pop," or blow. 1. Electrical current flow [amps] in the circuit which exceed the amperage value of the fuse. This would be caused by a short circuit to ground, either inside the ecmb, or anywhere in the circuit wiring. 2. Very seldom, a fuse may be defective and simply fail "on its own."j3h.

How is the wattage of a circuit divided amongst resistors in series of varying ohmic and wattage ratings?

The voltage supplying the circuit will be divided across the series resistors in proportion to their resistance. The wattage of the resistors has no effect on the distribution, but if you put an under rated resistor in the circuit, it will fail. For example, if you have a 10v source, and a 1 ohm resistor in series with a 3 ohm resistor, the 1 ohm resistor, being only a quarter of the total resistance, will see a quarter of the voltage, or 2.5 volts. The other 7.5 volts will seen across the 3 ohm resistor. The total power consumed by the circuit is given by P = VI or V2/R or I2R, so for this circuit, the resistors will consume 25 watts (current is 10/4 = 2.5 amps according to Ohms Law), and 10 x 12.5 gives 25 watts. Hope that helps ItAintMe


An open.A short to ground. Resistance.

What will happen if 24 V DC supply is used in a circuit?

It depends what the other components of the circuit are. If you use a 24 volt battery set up, and the load is designed for 12 volts, you may burn out the load. For example, 12 volt automotive lamps will burn brighter but will fail sooner if powered by 24 V instead of 12 V.

What are the ratings and certificates for Matric Fail - 2012?

Matric Fail - 2012 is rated/received certificates of: India:U

Can you use a 9 volts output for a 6 volts equipment?

Maybe, maybe not. It'll be a 33% overload. Some things will deal with that just fine, others will fail immediately.