

Best Answer

Your final grade would depend on how the teacher grades. For example, how many points is the quiz? How many points are possible for the semester? What are the weights for homework, quizzes, essays, and projects? The information you provide is not sufficient enough to answer the question. Your best bet would be to ask the teacher him/herself.

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Q: If you have a c in a class but got an A on a quiz then what's your final grade?
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What factors would a teacher consider for determining a student's final grade?

Attendance, Homework grade, test and quiz grade, class participation points, projects grade. It all really depends on the teacher though

With your poor grade on the most recent quiz im holding on to the best total grade in class only tenuously?

In an insubstantial or weak manner..

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It depends on the weight given to the Final Exam. However, Here is an example where there are three components to the final grade, Attendance, Quizes and the Final Exam: {D - W(A) - X(Q)}/Y = Grade Needed on Final Where D = your desired final Grade. W= the weight given to Attendance (like 20%) and A=your current Attendance grade. X=the weight given to Quiz grades (like 30%) and Q=your current Quiz grade. Y=the weight given to the Final Exam (like 50%) W + X + Y must = 1 (100%) So, if you want to end up with a final grade of 90, and your Quiz scores average 80 but you have a 100 in Attendance, the formula is: {90 - .2(100) - .3(80)}/.5 = (90-20-24)/.5 = 46/.5 = 92 grade neede on Final If there are more than 3 components, the weight and current grade would go into the formula just like W(A) and X(Q), as a subtraction from D. Just make sure that all your weights always add to 1.

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Will a quiz affect your grade?

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this is what you go to i think

If you have a B and you get a C on a quiz what is your grade?

It depends on the points the quiz is worth but it shouldn't make much difference. B

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What are the answers to Teenbiz3000 for the article Going Gaga for Lady Gaga?

The answers vary from quiz to quiz.... This counts as your reading grade.