You could just use the binomial theorem. Step through rows, n, and entries, k, and compute the Pascal's triangle value as
You'll actually have better luck if you use the natural log of a factorial, then you can use laws of exponents to get:
= exp(log(n!)-log(k!)-log((n-k)!))
= exp(logfact(n)-logfact(k)-logfact(n-k))
which won't run into the integer overflow problems that a plain factorial function would have.
To fill up a logfact array, something like this might work:
Be careful to initialize correctly, and watch your conversion between integers and doubles (probably have to do some rounding to your final answers).
a triangle then a square :)
You need a code that can run to print even numbers between 10 and 100 using the qbasic command.
There several methods: For/Next loop Do/While/Until loops You can have Do Loops within Do Loops.
Using TurboC? kbhit and getch are your friends
QBASIC GRAPHICS There any many different things you can draw in QBASIC; ranging from... -dots -lines -rectangles -circles -shapes empty/or, filled in(painted) -you can even do LOGO style programming to draw graphics with; by joining up connected lines -animations are possible, too ==== QBASIC BUILT-IN HELP FILE + CODE EXAMPLES In order to view the QBASIC built-in Help file...; first, load the QBASIC program itself...; and, then, do a combination key press of: [SHIFT] + [F1] Use the built-in QBASIC Help file to learn more about how to use these 'graphic related' commands, and, more...! The QBASIC Help file also contains plenty of 'example codes'; which you can just use 'copy & paste'; then, see what the output effect will be...???
a triangle then a square :)
Sum of numbers in a nth row can be determined using the formula 2^n. For the 100th row, the sum of numbers is found to be 2^100=1.2676506x10^30.
You need a code that can run to print even numbers between 10 and 100 using the qbasic command.
pascals theory
The sum of the 17th row of Pascal's Triangle can be calculated using the formula 2^n, where n is the row number minus one. In this case, the 17th row corresponds to n=16. Therefore, the sum of the 17th row is 2^16, which equals 65,536.
If you are using windows, MSDOS shell is integrated by default..
There several methods: For/Next loop Do/While/Until loops You can have Do Loops within Do Loops.
Using a water pressure gauge and is measured in kilo pascals (kpa)
Using TurboC? kbhit and getch are your friends
The pressure can be calculated using the formula: pressure = force / area. Plugging in the values given, the pressure in pascals would be 140N / 0.1m^2 = 1400 Pa.
The pressure exerted on the board can be calculated by dividing the force applied (35 N) by the area of the board (4m * 6m = 24 sq. m). This gives a pressure of 1.46 Pascals (N/m^2).