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If the some graph G has the same DFS and BFS then that means that G should not have any cycle(work out for any G with a cycle u will never get the same BFS and DFS .... and for a graph without any cycle u will get the same BFS/DFS).

We will prove it by contradiction:

So say if T is the tree obtained by BFS/DFS, and let us assume that G has atleast one edge more than T. So one more edge to T(T is a tree) would result in a cycle in G, but according to the above established principle no graph which has a cycle would result the same DFS and BFS, so out assumption is a contradiction.

Hence G should have more edges than T, which implies that if the BFS and DFS for a graph G are the same then the G = T.

Hope this helps u......................

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Q: Prove that if a DFS and BFS trees in graph G are the same than?
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What is Difference between tree and spanning tree?

A tree is a connected graph in which only 1 path exist between any two vertices of the graph i.e. if the graph has no cycles. A spanning tree of a connected graph G is a tree which includes all the vertices of the graph G.There can be more than one spanning tree for a connected graph G.

Is it true that parallel circuits and series circuits have no similarity?

No. It is true they are not the same, which is completely different than saying they share nothing in common. An apple and an orange are not the same, but they are similar in that they are both fruit, grow on trees, need sunlight to grow, are generally considered good breakfast juices, etc.

What is the practical application for a binary converter?

The reason that binary trees are used more often than n-ary trees for searching is that with every contract with an n-ary tree you can eliminate most of it.

Which is better - AVL or Red Black Trees?

It depends on what the tree is being used for. If the tree is being used to store data that is not going to be modified very much, than AVL trees are probably better. In most other cases, I'd say Red-Black trees are better.

What is made of softwood?

Softwood is just normal wood from a tree, but it's only wood from certain types of trees. All the pine and fir trees are softwood trees (conifers) and the leafy trees like oaks and maples (deciduous) are hardwood trees. The difference is literally that conifers produce a softer, more easily dented wood than deciduous.

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