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Quick reference chart for converting Hexidecimal to Binary numbers: Hex Binary 0.... 0000 1.... 0001 2.... 0010 3.... 0011 4.... 0100 5.... 0101 6.... 0110 7.... 0111 8.... 1000 9.... 1001 A.... 1010 B.... 1011 C.... 1100 D.... 1101 E.... 1110 F.... 1111

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Q: Show calculations on how to convert binary to hexadecimal?
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Which procedure is used to convert a string representation of a number into its binary value?

The first step is to use a function to convert the number (integer, floating point or otherwise) into a string. The next step is to convert each character within that string to its binary equivalent. Converting an unsigned char to binary will require the use of bitwise operators, specifically &, << and >>. There are plenty of code snippets on the Web that show you how to accomplish this task, however it might be worth your while to work it out on paper first and then write the code. The best recommendation at this point is to explore bitwise operators in C and understand how binary math works. You'll likely find many uses for this knowledge in the future.

Show that 8's complement octal and 2's complement binary are exactly equivalent.?


Examples of machine language?

Machine code is the ONLY example of machine language. However, every machine architecture has its own version of machine code; it is the native language of the machine. If you want to examine machine code upon your own machine, use a hex editor. This will show you every byte of the code in hexadecimal form.

4 Calculate the current if four coulombs of charge pass a point in a wire every two seconds Show the formula calculations and the units?

(4 coulombs / 2 seconds) = 2 coulombs per second = 2 Amperes.

How do you convert plastic to oil?

haha.i am engaged in the indusry that convert <a> convert plastic to crude oil</a>for fuel.hrough hydrous pyrolysis. Under pressure and heat, long chain polymers of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon decompose into short-chain petroleum hydrocarbons with a maximum length of around 18 carbons.then the waste tire or waste plastic will be converted into is really amazing.

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Is there a chart that show decimal numbers that equal binary?

Yes it is in "Decimal Numbers, OU " published by Professer. Samuel Damsen at the University of Wollongong.Also the link from DEW Associates in the Related Linksbelow, provides a table of Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary numbers from 0 to 255. In 8-bit binary, 8 ones will equal 255 (decimal).

Which procedure is used to convert a string representation of a number into its binary value?

The first step is to use a function to convert the number (integer, floating point or otherwise) into a string. The next step is to convert each character within that string to its binary equivalent. Converting an unsigned char to binary will require the use of bitwise operators, specifically &, << and >>. There are plenty of code snippets on the Web that show you how to accomplish this task, however it might be worth your while to work it out on paper first and then write the code. The best recommendation at this point is to explore bitwise operators in C and understand how binary math works. You'll likely find many uses for this knowledge in the future.

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What is this number 2500000000000000?

This answer is simple. It is 3. I can show this by dividing it by the hypotenuse of the triangle 3,4,5cm, then adding the cubed root to the square of this number. You then convert it into binary (1000101111010) and then you have to complete the equation by using the equation e=mc^2. I hope this helps

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That means that you don't just show the final solution, but all the calculations that you did to obtain the answer.

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In BCD it is 00100111 In Binary, which is what you mean, it is 101111

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