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Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (3 x 108) / (249 x 106) = 1.205 meters (rounded)

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Q: The frequency of a wireless signal is 249 MHz What is the wavelength in meters?
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Explain if transmit baseband signal directly in a wireless system and why?

An antenna must be the order of magnitude of the, wavelength signal in size to be effective. Using only baseband transmission, FDM could not be applied and (Path loss, penetration of obstacles, reflection, scattering and diffraction. All the effects depend onthe wavelength of a signal.

What is the wavelength for 835.6 MHz?

You didn't specify what kind of wave. Use the relationship: speed = frequency x wavelength.You didn't specify what kind of wave. Use the relationship: speed = frequency x wavelength.You didn't specify what kind of wave. Use the relationship: speed = frequency x wavelength.You didn't specify what kind of wave. Use the relationship: speed = frequency x wavelength.

When low frequency signals added to high frequency signal then the envelope signal will follow which signal?

the low frequency signal which is nothing but the message signalNeither. The envelope will be that of the difference beat frequency. To get the envelope to follow the low frequency input signal you need to mix (multiply) the two signals, not add them.

Is The carrier frequency is usually lower than the modulating frequency?

when the frequency is low , energy will be obviously low. To increase the energy of the signal we need to increase the frequency. This is achieved by multiplying the message signal with the carrier signal (with high frequency).

What happens if we sample the signal at sampling frequency nearer to signal frequency?

If you sample at more than the Nyquist frequency (one half the signal frequency) you introduce an aliasing distortion, seen as sub harmonics.

Related questions

What is the frequency of a signal whose wavelength is 1.5 meters?

The answer will depend on what type of signal it is: acoustic, electromagnetic and in what medium the signal is propagated.

What is the formula for finding the frequency of a wave?

The wavelength of a wave is calculated using the formula: Wavelength = speed of the wave divided by the frequency of the wave. For radio waves and other wireless signals as well as the speed a signal travels along a wire, the speed of the wave is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (the speed of light).

What is the speed of the solar signal in water with a frequency of1000 hertz and wavelength of 1.5?

The speed of a wave is calculated by the formula speed = frequency * wavelength. Therefore, the speed of the solar signal in water with a frequency of 1000 Hz and a wavelength of 1.5 meters would be 1500 meters per second.

What is the wavelength of a 565 Hz signal?

The wavelength of a 565 Hz signal can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. The speed of light is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second. Therefore, the wavelength of a 565 Hz signal is approximately 531,858 meters.

What wavelength signal has a frequency of 0.6 Ghz?

A 0.6 GHz frequency corresponds to a wavelength of approximately 0.5 meters. This wavelength falls within the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is the wavelength of 1 kHz?

The wavelength of a 1 kHz (1 kilohertz) signal in air is approximately 343 meters. This wavelength can be calculated using the equation: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

How do you convert heartz to meter?

The frequency of a radio wave in Hertz (cycles per second) multiplied by the wavelength of the radio signal (in meters) is always equal to the speed of light, which is equal to The speed of light has the symbol "c". So Frequency/c = wavelength, and wavelength/c = frequency. == ==

What is the wavelength of an X-ray that has a speed of 299000000 m per s and a frequency of 5 hz?

The wavelength of an X-ray can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed / frequency. Plugging in the values: wavelength = 299000000 m/s / 5 Hz = 59800000 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the X-ray is 59800000 meters.

Can a wireless mouse receiver get any form of wireless internet signal - wireless g - wireless b - or any other wireless signal?

Sometimes signals from different wireless devices might conflict. But usually a wireless mouse cannot confilct with a wireless network adapter (however, it's possible). You have read the manual for the mouse and check on which wavelength it operates. After you have read the manual you will know the frequency or frequency range and it will be easier to understand where you can get problems.

What is the wavelength of a 300MHZ signal in free space?

The wavelength of a 300MHz signal in free space can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. Given that the speed of light is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second, the wavelength of a 300MHz signal would be approximately 1 meter.

What is the wavelength of a radio station with a signal of 95.5 MHz?

speed of light = wavelength * frequence speed of light = 3*10 8th power

The wavelength of a radio signal broadcast at a frequency of 99.0 MHz is?

The wavelength of a 99.0 MHz signal is about 9.94 feet.