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6 + c

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Q: The sum of six and c?
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What is the sum Of?

The sum of is the total of everything being summed; the sum total. Thus the sum of a, b and c is therefore a + b + c.

What numbers can you use to get the sum of six by only using numbers one through six?

By adding 5+1 to get the sum of six.

When was J C Sum born?

J C Sum was born in 1976.

What sum of the first six odd numbers?

The sum of the first six odd numbers is 36.

What is the sum of one hundred twenty six?

the sum of the digits one hundred and twenty six is 9!!

How do you write a c program that reads a six digit integer and prints the sum of its six digits?

int sum_digits (int num) { int sum; sum =0; while (num) { sum += num % 10; num /= 10; } return sum; } Example usage: int main (void) { int i; printf ("Input a 6-digit number: "); scanf ("%6d", &i); printf ("The sum of the digits in %d is: %d\n", i, sum_digits (i)); return 0; }

What is the probability of not rolling sum of 6 with two fair dice?

The probability of not rolling a sum of six with two fair dice is 1 minus the probability of rolling a sum of six. There are 36 permutations of rolling two dice. Of these, five sum to six, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, and 5+1. The probability, then of rolling a sum of six is 5 in 36. The probability, then of not rolling a sum of six is 31 in 36, or about 0.8611.

Equation for the sum of six and seven?

The sum of six and seven is expressed as six plus seven. The full equation would be six plus seven equals thirteen.

What is the sum of the first six positive numbers?

The sum of the first six positive numbers (1 to 6) is 21.

What is the sum of the first six counting numbers?

The sum of the first six counting numbers (1-6) is 19.

What is the sum of c and n?

c + n