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16 is the 4th power of 2. So a hexadecimal number is converted to binary by replacing each hex digit by the 4-bit binary number having the same value. Conversely, in converting binary to hexadecimal, we group every 4 bits starting at the decimal (binary?) point and replace it with the equivalent hex digit. For example, the hexadecimal number 3F9 in binary is 1111111001, because 3 in binary is 11, F (decimal 15) is 1111, and 9 is 1001.

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Q: What does hexadecimal base 16 convert binary equal?
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What is the binary code for 4?

14 decimal in binary is 11102. In octal it is 168 and in hexadecimal it is 0E16.

What is the Decimal Binary and Hexadecimal system?

It is a numerical system where each significant numeral represents a change of 2^16th power. Decimal, or, "base 10", is the normal system of decimals. For example, 124 is "10 ^ 2 + 2 * 10 ^ 1 + 4 * 10 ^ 0" (or "one hundred twenty four"). In hexadecimal, each position is 16 base units instead of 10. This makes reading binary code easier, as binary and hex easily convert to each other directly.

How do you convert the hexadecimal number ff to binary?

Any base that is itself a power of 2 is easily converted to and from binary. With base 4, each digit represents 2 bits. With base 8 (octal), each digit represents 3 bits. And with base 16 (hexadecimal), each digit represents 4 bits. Thus two hexadecimal digits represent an 8-bit binary value. This is convenient because we typically refer to a unit of computer memory as an 8-bit byte, thus every byte value can be represented using just 2 hex digits. If we had a system with a 9-bit byte we'd use 3 octal digits instead. A 24-bit value can either be represented using 6 hex digits or 8 octal digits. To convert a hexadecimal value to binary, we simply consult the following table (note that 0x is the conventional prefix for a hexadecimal value): hex = binary 0x0 = 0000 0x1 = 0001 0x2 = 0010 0x3 = 0011 0x4 = 0100 0x5 = 0101 0x6 = 0110 0x7 = 0111 0x8 = 1000 0x9 = 1001 0xA = 1010 0xB = 1011 0xC = 1100 0xD = 1101 0xE = 1110 0xF = 1111 Here, hexadecimal digit 0xF has the binary value 1111, thus 0xFF would be 11111111. Note that the bit patterns are in the same order as the hexadecimal digits. Thus 0x0F becomes 00001111 and 0xF0 becomes 11110000. Knowing this, we can easily convert binary values into hexadecimal, we simply divide the binary value into groups of 4 bits and convert each group to the corresponding hex digit. Thus 101101001100 becomes B4C (1011=B, 0100=4 and 1100=C). If there aren't enough bits, we simply pad the first group with leading zeroes. We can use a similar technique to convert between octal and binary, we simply divide the bits into groups of 3: octal = binary 00 = 000 01 = 001 02 = 010 03 = 011 04 = 100 05 = 101 06 = 110 07 = 111 Note that a leading 0 is the conventional prefix for octal values. Thus binary value 100010 would be written 042 in octal to avoid confusion with 42 decimal.

How do you convert binary to hexagon?

Well, I believe you mean hexadecimal, not hexagon. Just like DECImal is base 10, BInary is base 2 and HEXADECImal is base 16. To convert by hand, you can convert binary to decimal, then decimal to hexadecimal. For instance, 1011001 becomes 1*64 + 0*32 + 1*16 + 1*8 + 0*4 +0*2 +1*1 = 89. Now we need to convert that to hexadecimal, so write out the the powers of 16: 16^0 = 1, 16^1 = 16, 16^2 = 256. 256 is larger than 89, so we only need two digits. For the first digit: 16*1=16, 16*2=32, 16*3=48, 16*4=64, 16*5=80, 16*6=96. 96 is larger than 89, so the first digit (the 16^1 position) is 5. Subtract 80 from 89 = 9. 16^0 = 1. 1*9 = 9. The second digit is 9 The hexadecimal equivalent is 59 Alternatively, (and faster) you can write out groups of four binary digits. (Binary) = (Hexadecimal) 0000 = 0 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 0100 = 4 0101 = 5 0110 = 6 0111 = 7 1000= 8 1001 = 9 1010 = A 1011 = B 1100 = C 1101 = D 1110 = E 1111 = F Then segment the binary number into groups of four (e.g. 10011010111001 becomes 10 0110 1011 1001 -- you can pad the first group with 2 zeroes to make it a group of 4) and use the above mapping to turn that into 26B9.

What is the significance of hexadecimal What is the significance of binary Who are they used by?

Binary (base-2) and hexadecimal (base-16) are commonly used by programmers. Binary computers only understand binary encodings. That is, all information (both instructions and data) must be converted into a numeric value; digital information. Humans like to use decimal notation whenever possible, but in order to program a computer in its own native language we must convert all values to binary, the only language the computer actually understands. However, binary is difficult to work with because there are only two symbols: 0 and 1. Decimal, on the other hand, has ten symbols, 0 to 9, so we can easily notate all values from 0 to 9 using just one digit. In binary we would need at least 4 digits to notate the same range of numbers. Thus binary numbers tend to be much longer than their decimal equivalents and are difficult for humans to comprehend; a single digit in the wrong place is much harder to spot. Although we can program the computer to convert decimal notation to native binary, this has a runtime cost because there is no direct conversion between decimal and binary notation. But base-2 is directly related to all bases that are themselves a power of 2. Thus quaternary (base-4), octal (base-8) and hexadecimal (base-16) are all directly related to binary and are therefore more easily converted back and forth than is decimal. We use hexadecimal because it has relatively few symbols (16), and each hex digit maps 1:1 with a group of 4 bits. Since 4 bits is half a byte we call hexadecimal digits nybbles. Since two nybbles make a byte, we can represent any group of 8 bits with just two symbols instead of 8 binary digits. Octal is also used because it allows us to map bits in groups of 3, which can be useful in systems that use a 9-bit byte rather than the more common 8-bit byte, but is also useful when we need to work in base-8 itself.

Related questions

What is the hexadecimal of 58880 binary?

58880 cannot be binary. Please check the base for 58880 and then what base you want to convert it to and then resubmit.

What is decimal binary ocfal and hexadecimal systems?

Decimal is base 10. Binary is base 2. Octal is base 8. Hexadecimal is base 16.

How does the binary numbering system differ from the hexadecimal numbering system?

the binary system is base 2 and the hexadecimal system is base 16

How do you convert binary to hexadecimal using assembly language?

Well, honey, in assembly language, you convert binary to hexadecimal by grouping the binary digits into sets of four, then converting each group into its hexadecimal equivalent. You can use bitwise operations like shifting and masking to make the conversion process smoother. Just remember, in the end, hexadecimal is just a fancy way of saying "base 16."

Why is it more difficult to convert decimal to hexadecimal?

As compared to converting decimal into what other base! It is no more difficult to convert decimal into base 8 than decimal into binary or Hex.

How do you convert binary decimal values into hexadecimal value?

"Binary decimal" is a contradiction in terms. Decimal has a base of 10, binary a base of 2 and hexadecimal a base of 16.The way I would do it is:If you have a value in binary then convert this to a decimal value. Then convert it to hexadecimal remembering that the number will now be comprised by the following (where x represents the digit):The first digit (from right to left) will equal x * 160, the next will equal x * 161 and so forth...An example:So in binary 11111 = (1 * 20) + (1 * 21) + (1 * 22) + (1 * 23) + (1 * 24) = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31 (in decimal).To write this in hexadecimal, 31 would be (15 * 160) + (1 * 161) = 1FNote: A tip - If you are using a Windows operating system, then if you go to the Start menu and choose search/run and type in "calc" or "calculator" then you will get a virtual calculator to use. If you choose "programmer" from the View menu and then choose the "Bin" button and type in a binary value and then choose the "Hex" button then the binary value will be converted to hexadecimal. (The above certainly applies for Windows 7).

Why is it impossible to convert a decimal number to binary on a digit by digit basis as can be done for Hexadecimal?

Because - Hex is an exact multiple of binary - whereas decimal numbers need to be converted from base 10 to base 2.

Computers often express numbers in what format?

Base 16 numbering is called 'Hex' or 'Hexadecimal'. Base 8 numbering is called 'Octal'. Base 2 numbering is called 'Binary'.

What is the binary code for 4?

14 decimal in binary is 11102. In octal it is 168 and in hexadecimal it is 0E16.

How do you convert 10011110 base 2 to a hexadecimal number?

10011110 base 2 = 9E base 16

What is the purpose of the hexadecimal numbering system?

Hexadecimal number system is a number sytem with a Base of 16. The 'regular' system which we use every day is base-ten (decimal), with the digits 0-9.Having a base 16 system makes it easier to represent values of computer memory, as computers deal in binary (base 2), where every value is either one or zero (on or off).With hexadecimal, the digit values range from zero to fifteen, so symbols are needed to represent ten, eleven, ... fifteen as single digits. The letters A through F were chosen, so:A represents tenB = elevenC = twelveD = thirteenE = fourteenF = fifteen

What is ABCD convert decimal?

If that's hexadecimal, it's 43981 base 10.