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In C, any non-zero expression is true and any zero expression is false.

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A Boolean expression.

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Q: What expression has a value of either true or false?
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How can Boolean be used in Java?

An expression is anything that can be evaluated ("calculated"), to get a value. Numeric expressions are more common: anything that you can calculate, and get a number. For example, if a and b are numbers, a + b will give you another number - it is therefore a numeric expression. The variables by themselves are also numeric expressions.A boolean expression is anything that you can evaluate and get a result that is boolean, i.e., either true or false. Here are some examples:a == ba > ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a

You use the operator to reverse the meaning of a Boolean expression?

The NOT operator. E.g., NOT TRUE evaluates to FALSE while NOT FALSE evaluates to TRUE.

Define an expression that evaluates to true when i equals j?

In Java, or C, the expression is simply:i == jIf the two are equal, this expression will evaluate to true; if not, it will evaluate to false.In Java, or C, the expression is simply:i == jIf the two are equal, this expression will evaluate to true; if not, it will evaluate to false.In Java, or C, the expression is simply:i == jIf the two are equal, this expression will evaluate to true; if not, it will evaluate to false.In Java, or C, the expression is simply:i == jIf the two are equal, this expression will evaluate to true; if not, it will evaluate to false.

Which method is default by true in java?

I don't understand what you mean with "default by true"? Please clarify your question. A Java method can have zero or more parameters, and it must have one return value. Any of these can be declared as "boolean", in which case the value can be either true or false.

What loop should no execute if the test expression is false to begin with?

for loop and while loop need the expression to be true for further execution of the program.

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What is any value or expression that can be evaluated as being true or false?

A logical test is any value or expression that can be evaluated as being true or false.

What is an expression evaluates as either true or false?

Boolean expression

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In Microsoft Excel any value or expression that can be evaluated as being true or false is referred to as what?

Logical Test

In evaluating a logical expression of type Boolean expression1 Boolean expression2 Both the Boolean expressions are not always evaluated True False?

FALSE.... cuz in && operator the compiler chk both of the expression if any of the expression is false then answer will be false.. for true result both of d expression must be true... by warrior2pnk

How can Boolean be used in Java?

An expression is anything that can be evaluated ("calculated"), to get a value. Numeric expressions are more common: anything that you can calculate, and get a number. For example, if a and b are numbers, a + b will give you another number - it is therefore a numeric expression. The variables by themselves are also numeric expressions.A boolean expression is anything that you can evaluate and get a result that is boolean, i.e., either true or false. Here are some examples:a == ba > ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a ba >= 5 && a

How do I use the IF function?

The IF function takes three parameters. The first is an expression, such as an inequality, that will evaluate to either true or false. If the expression is true the second parameter is used, otherwise the third parameter is used.

Can an expression be true or false?

It is always true because we don't know what the answer is so the expression could be anything

How can an expression be true or false?

It is always true because we don't know what the answer is so the expression could be anything

What is the Boolean operator that is appropriate to use?

Boolean is a type, not an operator and can have the value of either TRUE or FALSE

Is -13 -5 true or false?


What are the conditional logic functions in computer applications?

Not sure what you are asking here, but here is my best guess.COMPUTER PROGRAMMING APPLICATIONS:IF - If a condition exists, do something, if not, do something else.CASE - If a condition equals CASE1 do this; if CASE2 do this; etc.WHILE - If a condition remains, keep doing something until the condition changes.EXCEL:AND(logical1,logical2,...) - tests whether the logical arguments are TRUE or FALSE. If they are all TRUE, the AND function returns TRUE to the cell. If any are FALSE, the AND function returns FALSE.IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) - tests whether the logical_test expression is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the IF function returns the value_if_true argument. If FALSE, the IF function returns the value_if_false argument.IFERROR(value,value_if_error) - tests whether the value expression is an error. IFERROR returns value_if_error if the expression is an error, or value of the expression if it is not an error.NOT(logical) - tests whether the logical argument is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the NOT function returns FALSE. If FALSE, the NOT function returns TRUE.OR(logical1,logical2,...) - tests whether the logical arguments are TRUE or FALSE. If any are TRUE, the OR function returns TRUE. If all are FALSE, the OR function returns FALSE.FALSE() - takes no argument and simply enters logical FALSE in its cell.TRUE() - takes no argument and simply enters logical TRUE in its cell.