The NOT operator. E.g., NOT TRUE evaluates to FALSE while NOT FALSE evaluates to TRUE.
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is a system where expressions are evaluated from left to right, with no precedence, with operators stated following the operands. A typical RPN expression might be ab+c*, which in infix means (a+b)*c. (Infix is our "standard" system which we use when writing programs) Note that the infix expression required parenthesis to override operator precedence, but the RPN expression did not. If you said in infix a+b*c, the RPN equivalent would be abc*+. The value of RPN is that it is easy to build a stack machine that processes the expression. Each time you encounter an operand, you push it on the stack. Each time you encounter an operator, you process it, replacing the top two elements of the stack with the result (for binary operators), or replacing the top element of the stack with the result (for unary operators). RPN is often used in compiler design.
An electrical motor generator in reverse means that it can turn the electrical energy to mechanical and kinetic energy.
There are two diode ratings. One is the forward current rating, and the other is the reverse breakdown voltage rating. The forward current rating is the maximum current that the diode can conduct before failing, and the reverse breakdown voltage rating is the maximum reverse voltage that can be applied before failing. Of course, the reverse voltage rating has a different meaning in a zener diode, but this answer applies to ordinary diodes.
Python has two constant objects, True and False and a bool() function. The bool() function simply casts its argument to one of the two Boolean objects. All integral types (integers) will implicitly cast to True or False, such that the value zero is always False and non-zero is always True. Floating point types can also be implicitly cast (such that 0.0 is always False) however floating point values are approximations and should never be used implicitly. Instead, use comparison operators to perform an explicit cast: if x == 0.0: # do something All the comparison operators return True or False, as do all the logic operators (and, or and not). However, it is never necessary to compare an expression with the True object: if x == True: The above can be reduced to the more efficient: if x: Where x cannot be implicitly cast to a Boolean constant, use the bool() function to perform an explicit cast: if bool(x): If you need to reverse the logic, you might use the following: if bool (x) == False: However, it is arguably more readable to use the not logic operator instead: if not (bool (x)): You can experiment with Boolean types through the bool function: bool ('') # False bool ('a string') # True bool ([]) # False bool ([1,2,3]) # True bool (0) # False bool (1) # True bool (0.0) # False bool (42.0) # True bool (False) # False bool (True) # True Note that the last two are redundant casts.
Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to another use Eliminate Rearrange/reverse :)
reverse video
convert to perfixed to postfixed
Travel slowly in reverse
Vasoplasty is the medical term meaning repair of the vas deferens, and is used to reverse a vasectomy.
Yes. In a reverse dictionary, words are listed according to their meaning.
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is a system where expressions are evaluated from left to right, with no precedence, with operators stated following the operands. A typical RPN expression might be ab+c*, which in infix means (a+b)*c. (Infix is our "standard" system which we use when writing programs) Note that the infix expression required parenthesis to override operator precedence, but the RPN expression did not. If you said in infix a+b*c, the RPN equivalent would be abc*+. The value of RPN is that it is easy to build a stack machine that processes the expression. Each time you encounter an operand, you push it on the stack. Each time you encounter an operator, you process it, replacing the top two elements of the stack with the result (for binary operators), or replacing the top element of the stack with the result (for unary operators). RPN is often used in compiler design.
There are reverse dictionaries, in print and online, which allow you to look up a word you only know the meaning of. Below are links to two reverse dictionaries.
Within a fully structured and diverse society, there is a large degree of tolerance for individuality and individual expression, not the reverse as this question seems to proffer.
Yes, some axle nuts are reverse threaded, meaning they must be turned counterclockwise to loosen them.
Yes, it is true that some bottom brackets are reverse threaded, meaning they are tightened by turning them counterclockwise.