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CT ratio is the ratio of primary (input) current to secondary (output) current. A CT with a listed ratio of 4000:1 would provide 1A of output current, when the primary current was 4000A.

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Q: What is CT ratio?
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How do you calculate multiplying factor in 3 phase kwh meter using ct ratio is 600VA 5 class 5.0?

The question is incomplete, because there are no mention about CT & PT ratios. 600VA 5 can not be CT ratio.

Why the CT secondary short circuited?

Current transformers produce a ratio of primary current in the secondary. If the secondary of a CT is open circuited, and primary current is flowing, the CT will try to push that same ratio of current through the secondary open circuit. This causes secondary voltage to climb until it the secondary open circuit flashes over. This can often damage the CT.

What is a multi ratio transformer?

A multi ratio CT is just that, it's a CT that has multiple secondary taps. An example is a 1200/5, 5 tap CT, which can be set to many ratios between 100/5 and 1200/5.

Is ct step up or step down?

'CT' is used to designate current transformers, and 'PT' is used to designate potential transformers. A current transformer provides a ratio of primary current to the secondary. A potential transformer provides a ratio of primary voltage to the secondary. A power transformer (step up or step down) resembles a PT more than a CT.

What will happen if we use current transformer of different rating for each phase in three phase supply?

A current transformer has to have the same ratio as the meter that it drives. Full scale deflection on the meter is 5 amps which equals the maximum allowed current on the phase that it is reading. A different ratio on the CT to meter would show an erroneous reading on the meter depending on the ratio of the connected CT. To keep costs down the meter is common to all three phases and is read by connecting the meter to the phase CT through a three position switch.

Related questions

How do you check ct ratio test?

ct ratio test is the current between the primary to secondary

How do you calculate multiplying factor in 3 phase kwh meter using c.t. ratio is 2505VA 5 class 5.0?

multiplying factor = Line CT Ratio / Meter CT Ratio Usually it is mentioned on Meter that MF = 1 if CT Ratio is 200/5 or MF = 2 if CT Ratio is 400/5. There can be an additional multiplication factor that would be mentioned on the meter.

Taper ratio in wings?

The taper ratio of a wing is the ratio between the tipchord and the rootchord: ct/cr

How do you calculate multiplying factor in 3 phase kwh meter using ct ratio is 600VA 5 class 5.0?

The question is incomplete, because there are no mention about CT & PT ratios. 600VA 5 can not be CT ratio.

What ratio ct to use for a 250 to 5 rated kwh meter?

The ratio would be a 50:1 current transformer.

Why the CT secondary short circuited?

Current transformers produce a ratio of primary current in the secondary. If the secondary of a CT is open circuited, and primary current is flowing, the CT will try to push that same ratio of current through the secondary open circuit. This causes secondary voltage to climb until it the secondary open circuit flashes over. This can often damage the CT.

What is acceptable ratio error for 5P20 class ct?

A 5P20 CT has a guaranteed error of less than 5% at 20 times it's rated current (in this case 5A, so at 100A), when it's secondary burden is at it's nominal VA rating. The acceptable ratio error has to allow the CT to perform within these bounds to be declared a 5P20 CT.

How do you calculate watt meter constant?

K=(voltmeter range*ammeter range*power factor)/wattmeter range

What is cl PS current transformer?

CL of a CT is its accuracy class.. it is an approximate measure of the CT's accuracy. e.g. The ratio (primary to secondary current) error of a Class 1 (CL:1.0) CT is 1% at rated current

What is a multi ratio transformer?

A multi ratio CT is just that, it's a CT that has multiple secondary taps. An example is a 1200/5, 5 tap CT, which can be set to many ratios between 100/5 and 1200/5.

Is ct step up or step down?

'CT' is used to designate current transformers, and 'PT' is used to designate potential transformers. A current transformer provides a ratio of primary current to the secondary. A potential transformer provides a ratio of primary voltage to the secondary. A power transformer (step up or step down) resembles a PT more than a CT.

Can you change a ct ratio from 18000 to 5 to a new ratio say 6000 to 5 by removing wire from the core the ct has two coils each with 1800 turns on each one i want to remove 1200 wraps on each?

Most CTs are encapsulated so it is not really practical to unwind the primary winding.