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A computer algorithm is any set of instructions that a computer could use to produce a result. An example would be "given a numeric input, multiply that value by 9, divide the result by 5, then add 32." This is how a Celsius temperature is converted into Fahrenheit.

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12y ago


An algorithm is just a 'plain text english' statement way of writing out a program; without having to resort to using any 'specific programming language code'. For example,...



As you can see from the above examples which use 'different' programming languages to solve the same task with, namely:


-> VBScript

-> Javascript

-> Python

-> etc.

...once you've already gone and created the plain text english language based 'algorithm' to solve a particular problem; then, that 'one' same algorithm, can be readily re-used, over again and conjunction with almost 'any' programming language solve what are, in fact, similar problems.

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12y ago

An algorithm is just about any method used to solve a problem. Common algorithms include the methods taught in school to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with pencil and paper.

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14y ago

an algorithm is a well defined set of instrictions for completing a task. Example, car will not start, is battery, it there, get petrol. will it start now...yes

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Go to the library and borrow this book: Are you Smart Enough to Work at Google? It's filled with them.

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