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percentage regulation is defined as

[{v(no load)-v(full load)}/v(full load)]*100%

it gives the variation of output dc voltage(voltage across load) with variation in load resistance

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Q: What is percentage regulation in transfarmer?
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What is understood by the term percentage regulation of a rectifier?

the regulation is act of filtering the ac component of the output percentage regulation we calculate the percentage of the filtering component.

Which is better 3 percent voltage regulation or 5 percent voltage regulation?

Percent Regulation is the regulation expressed as a percentage is a figure of merit used to specify the performance of a voltage regulator.

What do you mean by percentage regulation in rectifiers?

A: Rectifier do not provide any regulation they merely rectify the AC. The percent regulation if any is a function of the capacitor filters and the load impressed on them

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What do you understand by regulation in a transformer?

Regulation of transformer means percentage reduction of transformer secondary voltage due to transformer loading as compared to its no load voltage.Another AnswerA transformer's voltage regulation is defined as 'the change in its secondary voltage, from no-load to full-load, at a specified power factor, expressed as a percentage of its full-load voltage, with the primary supply voltage held constant'.

How the voltage regulation in 33kv line?

It does not depend on the line. The regulation is the percentage change in voltage caused by applying the full load current, and that depends on the transformer supplying the line. A value of 5% would be typical.

What is the ideal value of percent regulation?

The percentage of regulation is a measure of the variation of ac voltage as a function of dc output voltage. Perentage of regulation=(Vnl-Vfl)/Vfl *100% Vnl=vltge acrs load rstnce at min crnt Vfl=vltge acrs load rstnce at max crnt

What is voltage regulation of synchronous generator?

The volatge regaulation be calculated by calculating the percentage difference between volatge at no load and voltage at full load

What is speed regulation and their formula?

Speed regulation is most often defined as the percentage change in speed of a motor or variable speed drive due to a specified change in load torque. The percentage change is usually a percentage of the base speed, where the base speed is the maximum speed or the maximum speed in the constant torque speed range. The change in load torque is usually specified as a change from 10% or 25% of rated torque to 90% or 100% of rated torque. Thus Regulation(%) = 100 X (Initial Speed - Final Speed) / Base Speed. Speed changes due to factors other than changes in load torque are usually quantified as a percentage "service deviation." Sometimes speed regulation is stated as two numbers such as 1%/3%. In that case, the first number is the "operating deviation," the percentage speed change due to load change, and the second number is the "service deviation," the percentage speed change due to all other factors. Factors other than load that can cause speed changes include temperature change, supply voltage change, etc.

What kind of regulation exist for enzymes?

Allosteric regulation and Reversaeble regulation :)

What is the adjective form of regulation?

The word regulation is an adjective as well as a noun (regulation football, regulation uniform, etc). Regulatory is another adjective form for the noun regulation.

Define voltage regulation and efficiency of a short transmission line?

Voltage Regulationvoltage regulation of a line is defined as the change in voltage at the receiving end when full load at a given power factor is removed, the voltage at the sending end being kept constant. it is expressed as a fraction or a percentage of the receiving end voltage at full load. it can be written as, Per unit regulation = Vrnl - Vrfl / VrflPercent regulation = (Vrnl -Vrfl / Vrfl) * 100Efficiency of a Short Transmission LineIt is the ratio of the Power Output of the line to the Power Input of the line.