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The percentage of regulation is a measure of the variation of ac voltage as a function of dc output voltage. Perentage of regulation=(Vnl-Vfl)/Vfl *100%

Vnl=vltge acrs load rstnce at min crnt

Vfl=vltge acrs load rstnce at max crnt

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Q: What is the ideal value of percent regulation?
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Why an ideal voltage regulation of a device has zero value?

An ideal regulator would hold the thing it is regulating (e.g. voltage, current, water pressure, motor speed) absolutely constant, or in other words with zero variation of that parameter. The quality of regulation in actual regulators however can only approach this ideal of zero variation.

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Percent Regulation is the regulation expressed as a percentage is a figure of merit used to specify the performance of a voltage regulator.

Is percent voltage regulation can be negative?

yes.. voltage regulation can be negative

What is regulation of a transmission line?

Regulation has to do with keeping the voltage at a desired value. This is often put in a per unit value, which you can think of as a percent of nominal. So if the desired voltage is 34.5kV, and the actual voltage is 33.8kV, the voltage is .98 per unit. There are regional and national rules on how low or high voltage can be. If the voltage strayes from this, it must be regulated back to an acceptable value.

What do you mean by percentage regulation in rectifiers?

A: Rectifier do not provide any regulation they merely rectify the AC. The percent regulation if any is a function of the capacitor filters and the load impressed on them

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The ideal gas constant with a value of 0.0821 has units of liter·atm/(mol·K).

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An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value for its capacitance.

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the voltage regulation (as a percent) = |V(no-load) -V(rated)|/|V(rated)| * 100 so if V(rated) = 24 V voltage regulation =10% then V(no-load) = 26.4 V

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