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A fraction in chemistry is a quantity collected from a sample or batch of a substance during fractional distillation i.e. where a mixture is separated into different parts called fractions. A fraction can be defined as a group of chemicals that have similar boiling points.

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9y ago


A number usually expressed as the ratio of two numbers in the form a/b. A fraction represents a number of equal smaller parts of a whole.


A chemical component separated by fractionation, a distillation process to separate compounds by their boiling points. Commonly used in petrochemicals.

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13y ago

the fractions used in chemistry are mole fraction , molerity , molelity moles etc

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Q: What is the definition of a fraction?
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It is a fraction in which the numerator or the denominator is 1.

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You cannot. By definition, the absolute value of a mixed fraction is greater than one while, again by definition, the absolute value of a proper fraction is less than one.

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The bottom number. The number under or after the fraction bar.

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A percent, by definition is a fraction with an implied denominator of 100.

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A dissimilar fraction is a fraction where the denominator is not the same as the others .

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A complex fraction is one in which the numerator, denominator, or both contain a fraction.

What is the definition of simplest form in fraction?

If the GCF of the numerator and denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.

What the definition of fraction decimal?

Both a fraction and a decimal (right of the decimal point) are parts of a whole.

What is the definition of a mixed number?

A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction. It can be rewritten as an improper fraction.

What is the math definition of numerator?

The top number of a fraction.

Top-heavy fraction definition?

When the top number (the numerator) of a fraction is greater than the bottom number (the denominator) then this is said to be an improper fraction. The formal definition is that an improper fraction occurs when the absolute value of the numerator is greater than or equal to the absolute value of the denominator.