0.065 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 65/1000 which can be simplified. But simplification will mean that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
As a decimal fraction, yes.
It's a common fraction such as 1 whole.
A fraction in chemistry is a quantity collected from a sample or batch of a substance during fractional distillation i.e. where a mixture is separated into different parts called fractions. A fraction can be defined as a group of chemicals that have similar boiling points.
0.8 on a grid is 8/10 (eight out of ten in fraction)
well 0.6 is just like saying 6over 10
0.065 = 65/1000 or 13/200 in fraction
065 is just another way to write 65 but in 3 digits. if a 0 is in front of a number it means nothing. If it is behind a number, it becomes larger such as 650. ________________________ Answer to your Question: 065 = 65
Pokemon #065 is drifloon. It should be in the valley windworks only on Friday afternoons.
first you need to remember your decimal placements. To the right of your decimal you have Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths, Ten Thousandths... and so on.. If you have .065 the 5 being in the third placement it would put it thousandths... so your fraction would read 65/1000. ~ .678276 would be 678276/ 1000000
Sixty-five thousandths.
16 gauge