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PC = 2 Sy [ ((D/t)-1) / (D/t)2 ]

The equation above is unclear: What stands for S, y, D, t?

The one I am using:

PC= 2*E/ (1-M^2)*(t/D)^3

Where E= Elasticity [Young] modulus, M= Poisson ratio, t= wall thickness, D= external pipe diameter

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How do you calculate diameter of hydraulic cylinder to create ton pressure?

The equation Force = pressure x surface of the cylinder Electric power and torque and power you need to know what you want. After obtaining the surface area of ​​the circle diameter cylinder, the cylinder can get.

How do you find the diameter of a length of string?

You use the diameter formular. You know, C=pi(d). If you know the cicumference, then you use this equation, d=c/pi. You subsitute the cimcumference and divide (pi=3.14), and that's how you calculate dimater. Oh yeah, and if your given the radius of the circle, just multiply it by two.Type your answer here...

How do you Calculate the diameter of a welding wire to kg?

To work out the mass of wire you need to know its volume. The wire is circular so that volume would just be the cross sectional area (pi * r^2) multiplied by the length of wire. Lets call the length L. The equation is then volume = pi * radius^2 * L. To get the mass of the wire we now multiply this equation by denstiy of the wire; that is how much the wire weighs per volume. Assuming the wire is steel this would be around 800Kg/m^3. So what you want to do is work out the volume as above, then multiply by 800, making sure that your units are lenght and radius in metres.

How you are calculate average power consumption?

It easy.We know p=vi.So just put the value in the equation.

How do you calculate the resistance of a heater element that's uses 220v and draws 11amps?

The equation you are looking for is R = E/I.

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there is no equation of Pi Circumference divided by diameter

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The diameter of a circle can be found without the circumference using the formula d = 2r. This formula requires that you know the radius of the circle which is half of the diameter. To calculate the diameter you need to multiply the radius by 2. For example if the radius of the circle is 4 then the diameter would be 8 (4 x 2 = 8).You can also find the diameter of a circle if you know the circumference. To do this use the formula c = d. By rearranging the equation you can calculate the diameter as d = c/. For example if the circumference of the circle is 12.5 the diameter would be 4 (12.5/ = 4).

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the equation for the circumference of a circle is 2*radius*pi, or since the radius is half of the diameter 2*radius=diameter, we can simplify the equation to the circumference of a circle=diameter*pi

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The equation Force = pressure x surface of the cylinder Electric power and torque and power you need to know what you want. After obtaining the surface area of ​​the circle diameter cylinder, the cylinder can get.

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