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In a three digit integer number the tenthsdigit is always 0 as integer numbers are whole numbers and have no decimal part and tenths are decimal parts:

tenths_digit_of_integer_number = 0

I suspect you mean "How to find the tens digit of an integer number?"; this is the second from the right, so:

tens_digit = (INT(number ÷ 10)) MOD 10

For example, in C this would become: tens_digit = (number / 10) % 10;

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Q: What is the formula that would get the tenths digit number in a three digit integer number?
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How do you write a visual basic program to sum the odd number digits of a 12 digit code using division and Mod and while loops?

Function sum_odd_digits(ByVal number As Integer) As Integer Dim digit As Integer sum_odd_digits = 0 While number <> 0 digit = number Mod 10 If digit And 1 Then sum_odd_digits = sum_odd_digits + digit number = number / 10 End While End Function

In java How do you have a method take in an int value and return an int containing sum of the individual digits in the number using a recursive method?

Add the last digit plus the sum of all the previous digits. The base case is that if your integer only has a single digit, just return the value of this digit. You can extract the last digit by taking the remainder of a division by 10 (number % 10), and the remaining digits by doing an integer division by 10.

Write a java program to print the last digit in Fibonacci series?

Just generate the Fibonacci numbers one by one, and print each number's last digit ie number%10.

How to write a java program to extract the last digit from the input?

Assuming you've entered a multi-digit number whole number (an integer), then take the modus (%) of the number and 10. E.g., if the number input was 1234, then 1234 % 10 is 4. Thus the final digit is 4. Note that modus 10 is the same as dividing the number by 10 and taking the remainder.

How do you write a Java program to accept a 3-digits integer number and print out the highest digit from the derived input?

The tricky part is getting the individual digits. There are basically two ways to do this: 1) Convert the number to a string, and use string manipulation to get the individual digits. 2) Repeatedly divide the number by 10. The digit is the remainder (use the "%" operator). To actually get the highest digit, initially assume that the highest digit is zero (store this to a variable, called "maxDigit" or something similar). If you find a higher digit, replace maxDigit by that.

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It is not given. If the number 115 was rounded to the nearest integer, there would be no way of determining the digit in the tenths place. If the number was written as 115.0 then the answer would be 0.

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